Chapter 2

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My attacker grinned as he began pulling me towards the doors. I started to fight him, when Larry placed a hand on my shoulder. He stepped forward and in front of my attacker. 

"Wait. Who are you?" Larry asked him.

The man only smiled. A few seconds passed and then he answered. "I am Kahmunrah. His older brother," Kahmunrah pointed a finger at the man dressed in a similar outfit to his own. 

Larry looked at Kahmunrah. "This is your brother?" 

He nodded. "Yes. Ahkmenrah has never particularly liked me... though I've never really liked him either, so I guess it doesn't much matter." 

Ahkmenrah spoke up. "Let her go, brother. What do you want with her, anyway?" 

Kahmunrah grinned wickedly. "You know what I want, brother. But if you hand it over now, there won't be any need for me to try and take her again." 

Nicky looked at me. "This is the guy who attacked you?" 

I didn't answer. I only looked away, embarrassed. Everyone was still there, so it's not like I could make a move and try to escape with them watching. But then again, it's not like Kahmunrah would try to make a move with them all here, either. Then again, knowing him... it's possible he would.

I looked up to see Kahmunrah still looking at Larry. It was now or never. Taking the chance to escape while he was distracted, I kicked him away from me, and he stumbled back into the wall. I turned to run farther into the museum, but was stopped by a person standing in front of me. Looking up, I saw that it was Ahkmenrah. 

He was staring down at me with a look of confusion and wonder in his eyes. I tried to step around him, but he placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Go to my tomb. You'll be safe there. It's down the hall to the left, first room on your right. I'll meet you there." 

He didn't need to tell me twice. I ran off in the direction he gave me, and entered the room. Stopping to catch my breath for a few minutes, I suddenly felt someone behind me. Turning slowly, I looked up to see two huge jackals standing in front of me, spears in hand. They aimed them at me, and began walking closer to me. Terrified, I backed up, trying to put some distance between us. 

I ran into something hard and solid. Looking back, I realized it was a coffin looking thing. I'm not exactly sure what the exact term was for it. It was just as I was getting ready to submit myself to my death by the jackals, that someone yelled out words in a foreign language. The jackals immediately turned and bowed. 

Looking up, I realized that it was Ahkmenrah. He stood in the doorway looking at me. The way he was standing screamed all powerful and in control. His personality radiated confidence and strength. Ahkmenrah slowly walked towards me. He stopped when he was just shy of reaching out and touching me. 

"I'm not going to hurt you," he spoke softly. "I just want to talk." 

I flicked my eyes up to meet his, and was surprised by what I saw. His eyes were a warm, chocolate brown. His face was smooth, and his skin was clear of any blemishes. The way he stared at me made me bite my lip to try and hide a smile. I shook my head and straightened up, causing him to take a step back. 

"Ok. What do you want talk about?" I asked him.

Ahkmenrah gave me a strange look, then smiled. I stared again. He had a perfect smile. His teeth were white and straight... he was so-

"Crystal?" Ahkmenrah called out my name. 

I shook my head and blinked. "What?" 

"I asked if you wanted to walk around the museum while we talked," Ahkmenrah said, giving me another strange look. 

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