Longer Than Wanted

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It had been 5 days since the full moon and Fang still hadn't regained her human form.

"Renfield how long does it take!" Vlad boomed as he walked into Renfield's lab.

"It's a slow process master Vlad." Renfield explained.

"Well how long?"

"M-ma-maybe 3 weeks.... Ma..ster V-Vlad." Renfield stuttered.

"WHAT!!! 3 WEEKS!!!" Vlad shouted causing the ground to shake.

"I'm sorry master Vlad I am trying my hardest." Renfield said quickly.

"FINE! Three weeks but if its not done by then and if Fang still hasn't changed back you will have a hard and painful future ahead of you!' Vlad said frustrated as he sped out of the room.

Renfield pretty much knew what the formula was but things keep going wrong. Things went missing causing Renfield to have to find other items to replace them which ended up in disaster.

It was now 8 days since the full moon and Fang was sick from one of Renfield's so called 'antidotes'. Only Wolfie understood what Fang said because he was the only other werewolf there.

"How's she going Ingrid?" Vlad said walking into the living room where Fang lay asleep on the couch and Wolfie across from her. Ingrid was sitting on a chair next to the couch reading a book on werewolfs.

"Well i finally got her to sleep, she won't eat anything though." Ingrid sighed looking up from the book. "What did Renfield even put in that stuff to make her this sick anyway?" She said stroking Fang's ears back then giving then a but of a stratch.

"i don't know, i asked him what the maximum time was untill it was ready 3 days ago and he said 3 weeks, but now shes like this we have to concentrate on an antidote to make her better." Vlad said as he went and sat next to Wolfie and ruffled the young kids hair.

"i was talking to her earlier and she told me that she saw someone taking things from Renfields lab the day she got sick." Wolfie said as he looked from Vlad to Ingrid.

"Did she say what they looked like?" Vlad asked

"No, all she said was that they had a hood covering their face and smelt like a breather."

Vlad and Ingrid looked at each other they knew the only breathers that lived here were Erin and Renfield.

"Mind you Renfield did mention some supplys were missing, but i told him he was just being stupid." Ingrid said as she put her thinking face on.

"Well Renfield wouldn't take his own supplys and what use is any of that stuff to Erin?" Vlad said leaning forward and sitting on the edge of the couch.

They looked at each other for a minute until Wolfie broke the silence.


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