"Yes. I'm going to Inverness. I plan on going to where the Battle of Culloden happened." She said, then adding, "You might remember it better from that Outlander series of books we've read."

"Oh and don't forget the series. That Sam Heughan plays one handsome dude in a kilt."

"Aye, he does lass," she replied in her best Scottish brogue. "You really need to come with me sometime Tanya. Live a little, be adventurous."

"I am adventurous. We just don't have the same definition of adventure."

"Okay, you know how to reach me. I'll check in. Everything according to plan."

"Yes, ma'am. Try not to have too much fun with your old bones."

"I won't."

She heard her friend sign, a sign of hesitation perhaps? "You know what you really need, Stella? You need to get laid. Live a little. Find a man, have some fun."

"You know I can't do that, Tanya. Not until I have my kids back safe and sound. I can't risk letting my guard down."

"I know, but do me a favor? If the opportunity ever presents itself, think about giving it a try? Even if it is a one-night stand?"

"I can't make that promise." Stella sucked in a breath. "Look I've got to go. lots to do you know."

"Okay. Safe travels, and all that. Check in when you arrive."

"Yes, mother. Talk soon."

She clicked her phone off, picked up her glass of wine and took a long swallow. All the while staring out at the ocean, only lit by a half moon tonight. Standing up from her chair, she swallowed the remains of her wine and headed down the steps and toward the ocean. She felt the urge to walk the familiar path one more time before she departed.

Salt air filled her lungs as the evening breeze caressed her cheeks and flowed through her hair. The sky was still a deep shade of purple filled with hues of pink as the moon Claire in the darkening sky as she looked up. Clearing her head of the part of her conversation with Tanya about Armand and the children, she glanced down at the water. She silently noted that the tide was coming in as she turned and made her way back toward the house. Strength. She needed to call on her inner strength once more to guide her through this next adventure. A strength she'd been unaware she had until that fateful day.


Malcolm Spencer sat at an old, carved up table of the dingy, crowded pub. What in the hell was he doing in here? Truth be known, it beat the hell out of the expensive, slick bars he frequented at one time or another. Besides, the clientele here was far more interesting than the stuffy, stuck up customers of the other.

He smiled at the waitress as she brought him his pint with a side of scotch. She set them down on the table, still smiling the plastic smile she'd been wearing since he sat down. It crossed his mind for a brief second what the girl might be after. Instead he, picked up the shot glass and downed the scotch. He picked up his beer and took a hefty swallow before setting the glass back down on the table.

Leicester, England. A country town in the East Midlands of England. Surprisingly it retained a good portion of its original buildings. But the buildings weren't what he was here for. No, having had his fill of academic, university life, he, Malcolm Spencer, brother to the Duke of Wickham, a member of the peerage had chosen to take a sabbatical to, among other things view firsthand the bones of a ancient king of England. Not the safe life he'd carved out for himself in America.

He watched in fascination as a man got up from the bar and approached a red-headed woman. She flashed the guy a smile. Malcolm grinned to himself. Her demeanor, that smile invited the man's imagination to romp through all sorts of scenes involving her naked flesh. That is until she unexpectedly flashed the wedding band, and sent him dragging his ass back to the bar. Really, the whole scene was laughable.

Malcolm stayed long enough to watch a couple more scenes play out, downing another shot of scotch and chasing it down with his beer. He dropped a generous tip on the table and headed back to his hotel room.

It was late, but Malcolm was a man on a mission. He sat in the middle of his bed and waited while his lap top came to life. He took a swallow off the bottle of scotch he'd purchased the day before. Today was Thursday. With any luck, her new post should be up.

Pulling up the blog, he scanned the page before reading it in detail. She was leaving Florida? On another adventure? Where? Where was she going this time? The woman was too mysterious, but that's what had caught his eye when he first began following her blog.

She owned a travel agency, so therefore she traveled. Nothing unusual about that. What was unusual were the places she traveled and the things that interested her. Not the usual tourist attractions. No, she was intrigued with history and long forgotten people. Out of the way places, long forgotten by shiny new, money making destinations.

A thought crossed his alcohol induced haze. What would be the chance of meeting her at one of her destinations? She appeared attractive enough, though that's not what interested him. What fascinated him with this woman was her interest in history. Did she perhaps have some background in history? A degree?

He re-read the article one last time before closing the page and shutting down his lap top. Perhaps she'd be coming back to the UK. She certainly had an interest in British history. He could just pop in on one of her locales. Perhaps it would be something he was well versed in, and he could give her some tips.

Getting up off his bed, he took one last swallow of scotch, placed the bottle and lap top on a small table, and headed for the shower.


Stella awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring from her phone. Today was going to be a long one. Her flight left out of Jacksonville around noon taking her first to NYC where she had a two hour layover before boarding her flight to Liverpool. She would rent a car from there and drive to Leicester. By Sunday evening, barring any unforeseen delays or flight cancellations she should arrive at her destination. Monday would be a free day to rest and get some things done. Tuesday, she'd take a look around, perhaps even go to the University and take some photos.

Thank goodness she'd thought ahead and had written her blog for the coming week. In fact she had an entire month of posts ready to go. It would give her a chance to concentrate on where she was really heading to.

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