The old woman thought about something. "What is your sister for a... type of person?" "Huh? Why do you want to know?" "My daughter wanted this dress to be in good hands. So what is your sister for a person?" she asked again. "Powerful but very shy. She's lovely... but lonely. I want to buy her that dress because she needs something to wear if we're invited to a formal ball or meeting... or..." "Or?" "... Or to impress the man she likes" you smiled. "... What is she looking like?" "Aren't that a few much questions?" you sighed. "She has brilliant blue eyes and the same hair than me" you explained.

The woman stared at you for about 10 minutes... and then she smiled. She packed the dress, the gloves and the shoes into a bag and gave it to you. "What does it cost?" "It's ok. It's a present" the lady smiled. "Oh, no. I can't take it for free, ma'am. Tell me how much do you want for it?" She sighed. "Pay as much as you want." You pulled out a bag and placed it on the counter. "I guess twenty-thousand belly are enough?" The lady's jaw dropped down. "Tw-twenty-thousand? Why are you paying so much my dear?" "My sister is worth it" you smiled and walked out of the shop with the bag over your shoulder.
//*end of flashback*\\

Two weeks later, you caught her with the dress in her room. She tried it on and hell... she looked like a goddess. You knew she would look good in it but this? This was beyond your beliefs. You told her if she wouldn't be your sister, you'd marry her. The dress was perfectly matching her eyes and her hair.

It was up to her if she'd wear the dress on Christmas, but you're going to try something out. She just need to wear the dress.

*6 days later - Christmas day*
The last few days were silent. Shiva did not came out of her room for the last days. When Mihawk asked why, you told him. He was surprised about her lack of confidence. "I guess we don't need to make much food if she won't join us" he said. "Nah, c'mon. She WILL come tonight. Trust me" you said, smirking. He gave you a confused look and you walked off.

*Mihawk's POV*
You were talking to Shanks. You asked him a few things about Shiva and why she did not came out of her room for days. When he told you the reason, you were surprised. You did not thought about her having such a lack of confidence. After he said that she definitely will come to the dinner tonight, you raised an eyebrow at him. He just threw it off and walked away. You sighed. He definitely had something in his mind.

You made your way into the kitchen. You didn't mind to help Ben and Lucky with the cooking. You were cooking for yourself so it wasn't a problem at all. "Ah I'd give everything to have the apple cake that Shiva often makes tonight as a dessert" Lucky said. "That would be great but I guess she won't join us later. So I believe we won't have some" Ben replied. "Hey Mihawk, you should try her apple cake someday. She can't cook very good but she's a hell of a baker" Lucky laughed. You just nodded. You could see them staring at each other from the corner of your eyes. Not many people knew that you were not really fond of sweets, but you loved cakes.

The evening came faster than you thougt he would. You were so busy with cooking, that you've lost the track of time. Sometimes you heard someone running around in the castle but you threw it away.

You placed the dishes and plates on the dining table. Ben brought the glasses, sake, beer, wine, a jar with coconut milk and a hot chocolate. You raised an eyebrow. "Shanks said Shiva is going to join us tonight" Ben simply answered. "I wonder how he's going to get her down here" you said. "That's what I'm asking myself, too" Ben replied, stroking his chin.

I never wanted a woman... but I can't resist youWhere stories live. Discover now