hedding will be given in capital letter all stories are mixed

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at midnight I heard my dog scratching my bedroom door when I woke up he was sleeping next to me


it was 3 am no one was awake, only  me . I was playing games on my laptop I was sitting alone in TV room as I was playing I saw someone speedily moving like a ghost I felt terrified and screamed a little .


As I was preparing. My self for wedding I was alone in that room I looked in the mirror and saw someone in white clothes and long black hair that was looking at me smiling when I turned around I saw no one but the rocking chair was moved


There was a girl named Sara who lived in an apartment she asked her mother if she can to go out and play her mother agreed after a few hours her mother was searching for her but she never founded
After a few weeks people of that apartment started complaining about the water taste and color when the apartment's manager went up on the roof to check the water tank he was suprised when he opened the tank cap he saw Sara drowned into the water he called the police and the police came to know Sara was playing up on the roof and accidently fell into the roof and was drowned for 3 weeks
The people of apartment were drinking that dirty water of the drowned girl


Once there were a mother and two children going home in the way they have to cross the railway track the car got stucked in the track and the train goes through them after a few hours the police found a dead body of two children and a mother's half body her head part was never found

The ghost who took the half part is a. Women's ghost with no legs she is known as click clack

After that accident the children were warned to not go out after 6 pm if they will click clack will kill them and take the half part of the body

One day a girl named Alisha went out to take goodies from market when she came back it was 5:42 all chilren were rushing into their homes when the street became empty she heard a strange voice coming click clack side click clack drag click clack side she became terrified and tried to go home faster the voice was coming closer when she rang the door bell no one came because her mother was sleeping and the doors were locked after a few hours her mother woke up and went to check the door when she opened the door she was shocked at the doorstep the words were written in blood "mom why didn't you opened the door " alisha was never found after that


there was a chair in the center of the basement whenever I move it it is always in the center again this basement was under the kitchen it seems like someone wants to sit on the dining table with rest of us


There wasa ghost in the last room of girls toilet it askes what color you want red or blue if you will say red it will cut off your head and the blood will fill up your body if you will say blue it will press your neck hardly until you die and your skin color became blue  

                               CENTIMETER SQUARES
one day a girl named ayesha got a job to babysit two children when their mom dad went to party ayesha  was with their children when the children went to sleep it was 11 pm the phone rang when ayesha picked the phone a weird voice came centimeter sqaures centimeters squares ayesha got confused and put the phone back the phone rang again and again and the voice came again and again at last ayesha said stop calling me when she went to check children the children were cutted in centimeter squares

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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