Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

Finally time to move out! I'm going to London and since I grew up with him,  I now live in a flat with Brayden. "Let's go look for furniture!" I tell Brayden. "Ugh you're so boring. All you ever wanna do is shop." He sits on the couch. "Well all you do is watch tv. So get off your butt and let's go." "Ok fine." He sighed. We drove to Middleton Mall in my light blue Nissan Cube. Is it weird to name your car?  I named my car Cookie. "Hey Em? Remember my friend Kevin? Well he's picking me up in JCPennys." Brayden said. "Ok. When will you be back at the house?" I asked. "Probably later today"

              *After Shopping*

I looked under the flower pot and my spare key was missing. "Weird..." I whispered to myself. I opened the door slowly and called out. "Hello? Brayden are you back already?" Suddenly my parents jumped out from behind the couch and yelled "Suprise! Happy Birthday!" I squealed. "Thanks guys." "Where's Brayden?" My dad asked."Spending the day with a friend." My parents frowned. It's not like him to miss one of my birthdays... "Go into the kitchen, Honey." "Hey Em." It was Brayden! With that cute little smile of his plastered on his face. "Who made the cake?" "I did" he said sweetly. It wasn't a pretty cake, that's for sure. But it was sweet of him to try. "Yeah... I know it's ugly." He frowned. I dipped my finger into the frosting and put some on his nose. "At least you tried." I said. "Your mom has a doctor appointment to go to so we have to leave, Emma." My mom said. "Well... bye. And thanks for the surprise." I yelled to them as they walked out the door. I turned around to face Brayden. "You look nice today..." He told me. "Really? I'm pretty sure I look worse then that cake." I giggled. "Hey you have something on your face..." He laughed and threw flour on my face. "Oh I see..." I slowly said. And that's why it looks like a cake threw up in our kitchen. "You're cleaning this up. It's my birthday." I told him. "I thought you were the maid or something." He winked at me. My birthmark glows a little bit... "Woah." I whispered as I walked into the living room. I turned on the TV and kept thinking about Brayden. Could Brayden be my soulmate? "Probably not." I say to myself, laughing. "Whatcha watching?" He asked, walking into the room. "I don't even know. I'm not really paying attention." I told him. "So... what are you thinking about?" "You." I say. "Should I ask?" He asked me. I need to think about this I think to myself. I start to walk away. "Are you mad at me?" I keep walking. "Emma..." He says in a sad voice. "I'm going to bed." I tell him. "So am I" he says. I guess it's a bad thing we share a bed on days like this. "Em what's wrong?"  "I don't wanna talk about it!" I yell. He walks into the living room and about half an hour later I finally realize he's crying...

The BirthmarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant