Jack - 2

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With Rhys

Sitting in his seat clutching his seat belt tightly, sadness overtook him as Fiona broke the news of Scooter's demise. He hadn't known Scooter long but he gave his life to save the rest of the people on the ship. Even Vallory's goons seemed distraught of what had happened. Taking a moment of silence for the lost man, everyone in the ship knew they had to keep going with the mission.

Fiona and Sasha took the front of the ship while the goons remained in their seat. Taking this opportunity to call Yvette again, Rhys stood from his seat and slowly floated to the back of the ship for some privacy.

Static took over the screen as he attempted to call his friend. Shaking the device a few times a voice came over the static.

"Rhys! Can you hear me? It's (y/n)!"

Pushing every button on the device the static began to fade into darkness again.

"(y/n)..can you hear me?" Rhys said into the screen trying to make you come back.

"Hey Kiddo how's it going." A voice suddenly said in his ear causing Rhys to jump.

"Please stop sneaking up on me like that." He told the hologram Jack who now wore a smirk.

"Looks like you finally got off of Pandora." Jack said looking out the window into space. "I'll be honest I didn't think you were going to make it off there alive." He chuckled turning his attention back to Rhys.

"Well I did no thanks to you." Rhys said still shaking the device.

The screen suddenly lite up as Rhys saw your face staring back at him.

"(y/n)?" he said loudly trying to get your attention.

"Rhys! Where are you are you alright?! Are you in space?" (y/n) said through the screen.

"Who are you talk...well hello there, cupcake." Jack said taking a place beside Rhys.

"Shut up!" Rhys told Jack as he tried to talk into the screen.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh just myself." Rhys chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "You're right though. We're heading home. I need you to create a distraction so I can get.." he started to talk louder as Jack tried to speak over him.

"Are you going to introduce me to this fine cupcake there Rhys?" Jack said folding his arms staring into the screen.

"Would you shut up!" Rhys said again trying to get Jack to quiet down so he could deliver the necessary instructions.

"Are you talking to me?"

"No!" Rhys said "Just create a distraction. I'll be there in a few minutes." He said quickly before closing the chat allowing the screen to disappear.

Jack leaned back against the wall of the ship staring straight-faced at Rhys.

"What?" Rhys said at the stare.

"Why didn't you tell me about this friend of yours. I thought we were bros, Rhys?" Jack asked waiting for an answer.

"I didn't think you would even care."

"I wouldn't care." Jack repeated in a shocked voice. "How could I not care? Did you see those eyes? That hair? Ugh that body."

"No I didn't see any of that. She's my friend. I'm not interested in all that." Rhys said surprised at Jack's sudden confession.

"You need to do me a solid and get me involved with her." Jack said placing a hand on Rhys shoulder. "You owe me for saving your ass back on Pandora."

"I can try but I can't guarantee anything." Rhys said as Jack laughed before disappearing into thin air again.

Rhys shook his head as he noticed the ship quickly approaching the docking station. A voice came over the speakers demanding to know who was on the ship and what their business was. Quickly springing into action, Rhys transformed into Vasquez and changed his voice.

Speaking to the voice coming over the speakers, they seemed to buy the story that the actual Vasquez was on the ship. Technically he was...just in piece in a cooler. Once the ship was allowed to dock, Rhys straightened his suit and put on his best Vasquez douche bag face.

Feeling somewhat confident, he exited the ship pulling the heavy cooler behind him only to be approaching by two guards.

Shit he thought as the quickly became aggressive with him.

"Orders are to verify what the hell you were doing down on Pandora." One guard said closing some of the space between him and Rhys.

Rhys tried to remain collected as he did the best he could to wing it. The guards weren't believing his story until (y/n) walked out of the glass doors with a serious expression.

"I'll take it from here, men." (y/n) spoke up trying to sound assertive.

"She's even more beautiful in person." Jack appeared leaning an arm on Rhys' shoulder. "Go ahead. Introduce us."

Rhys remained silent as he watched (y/n) trying to take on the guards.

"We're not done here yet." One guard told her.

"Are you ignoring her orders? I will cave your hea...tell him Rhys." Jack said watching the scene as Rhys continued to remain silent.

"You are now. I have strict orders to bring him inside along with his findings." (y/n) told the guard in an aggressive tone.

"A feisty one, huh?" Jack commented attempting to slap Rhys on the shoulder only to have his hand go through it.

The guards quickly apologized and made their leave as Rhys stood looking impressed. (y/n) made her way closer to him, eying him carefully.

"It's me." Rhys whispered touching his neck revealing his real voice. "Vasquez is dead. I don't have time to explain right now but.." he trailed off as he watched Jack step forward with his arms out.

"Oh cupcake. I bet that was stressful. Let daddy hold you."

"This is not the time!" Rhys suddenly said extending his arms wildly trying to get Jack back.

Walking right through (y/n) Jack looked down as his arms were still empty. "Oh yea.." he said out loud remembering he didn't have a physical body.

"What are you doing Rhys?" (y/n) asked backing away from his swinging hands careful not to get hit. "Pandora must have gotten the best of you."

"I'm sorry I don't have time to explain. Let's get inside. I have a plan." Rhys announced grabbing her arm and bringing her along with the cooler.

"Hey hey hey not so rough." Jack said watching Rhys' grip on her arm. "This cupcake could crumble."

"Go away I can handle this!" Rhys said one last time before entering the building.

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