The Big Boys

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The next few days progressed with Rosa trying to make our lives living hell, having parties all night, coming back at three in the morning trying to creep into our bed crying. Every now and again she would leave a note to say what time she would be back- and thats if you were lucky! Its not that I dislike Rosa, we have know each other since Secondary School so obviously I love her to pieces, just sometimes she pushes the wrong buttons. 

Friday night, me and Todd had what we thought was a night to ourselves untill Joss rapped at the door after work, there was something unfamiliar with him, as if he was so proud of something he'd done. A few minutes later Chloe walked in looking extremely guilty and embarrassed and smoothing down her hair, twiddling her thumbs, eyes darting from place to place, avoiding eye contact. Me and Todd didnt know what to say, we kept on looking from Joss, to Chloe and then at each other. 5 minutes later Todd burst out in hysterics, he had obvoiusly guessed why Joss looked so happy and Chloe the exact opposite. Her face blushed bright red and her shoulder length blonde hair flopped over it.

"Haahahahaaaa Mate!! Are you serious?!" Todd exclaimed in between chuckles.

"Whaat whaaat?" I pleaded desperate to figure out what was going on. "Come om Chlo tell me, it can't be that bad!!" 

"No!" She answered in a small voice.

"Ahahahaaaaaaaa!" Joss's laughter filled the room. "I saw Chloe getting changed, I saw the big boys!"  

For the next few minutes our cries of laughter filled the airy room and tears streamed down my face. Chloe showed no one, and I mean NO ONE her boobs and for Joss to see them was uncontrollable. 

"You guys!!" She shouted. "It's not that funny."

"No, your right... It's HILARIOUS!" We all shouted shocking Chloe so much she fell off her chair and landed with a crash on the floor, toppling over several stray cups. The laughter continued for a few more minutes but eventually died down. 

It was getting late and Todd had brought out the Baileys so Chloe could relax. It just so happened that this once Rosa had left a note saying she was out for drinks- Meaning 'I'm going out to get pissed', and it said 'I will be back at 10' - Add a few hours onto that because it's Rosa. 

"It's getting on now...I should probably get going" Chloe said in a slurred voice.

"Want me to... Acompany you?" Joss said in a seductive voice and added a wink.

"Ew no!" Shouted Chloe and she ran out the door. 

"Come on baby, let's go to bed!" Todd said yawning.  I got up and said 'Bye' to Joss while Todd trudged to our room. I cleared up the empty cans and bottles and tidied away the food we had ordered. Eventually I made my way for the bedroom but was stopped when a load crash came from the entrance hall. I could hear snores coming from our bedroom alredy so I went to check it out myself. 

"Threeeeeeeeeeee blinddd miceeeee..." Rosa's drunken voice sailed through the air in a shrill tone. She carried on singing. I rushed over to her and hushed her. 

"Shh Rosa! For once could you just shut-up? Todd is asleep already please?!" I looked at her deep in the eyes as I whispered. 

"No! I shan't be quiet. THhthreeeeeeee BLindddddddd MIIIIIIIIceeee!" She screamed. It was a lost case I ran to our room locked the door and cmabered into bed. Good job we didn't have work tomorrow, or the day after and Rosa did. Maybe we could make noise of our own. 

"Night sweetie." I said to his sleepy body. 

"Hmm yeeaaahhhhh nighhhhhhht ba-" And he fell into a deep sleep. 

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