Chapter 2

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I woke to rapid knocking on my door.

"Go away! It's too early for this." I mumbled.

I heard a slight giggle as Bailey replied,"It's 9:30. You will miss breakfast if you don't get up soon. And class starts at 10:30."

"Fine. But don't expect me to be happy until I have had at least two cups of coffee" I shouted as I quickly got dressed into blue jeans and my "Future Mrs.Winchester" shirt with black converse.

"Ok let's go Mrs.Sunshine." Bailey laughed as she happily skipped down the hall dragging me with her.

After the best waffles I have had In my life and two cups of coffee I walked to get my schedule. The lady at the desk greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hello how may I help you?" She questioned

"Hi I'm Piper and I got here yesterday. Can I have my schedule please?"

I didn't mean to rush her but I only had 5 minutes till class and I didn't want to stand out anymore for being late.

"Of course. Here you go. Have a good day and welcome to Shifter academy." She replied.

As I walked out I looked over my classes.

1st- English 4

2nd-Shifting history

3rd-Free period

4th-Shifter types


At least I can probably get away with reading first period.

I walked in just as the bell rung. Damn, now they'll definitely notice me.

"Well it seems we have a new student." The round short man announced with obvious distaste.

"He just made my hate list." Jade growled in my head making me chuckle lightly.

"Why don't you introduce yourself" he smirked.

He knew I didn't want the attention and was enjoying this too much.

"My names Piper and I moved her yesterday. It's my punishment for telling my teacher to shit a brick elsewhere" I informed as a few students snickered.

"Well we won't tolerate that behavior here." Replied the old man getting red in the face.

"Well there goes my entertainment for the evening" I fake sulked as I walked to the last open desk.

The rest of the class was a waste of time. I read most of the time and when he tried to call on me I shrugged and continued reading. I only looked up when I heard the bell. One down four to go I prepped myself.

Second period was basically a repeat of first. The only difference was this teacher was smart enough to just ask for my name and continue with class. She told us about all of our ancestors and how the panther was the the first shifter. It wasn't anything new though. I already knew this from my father. He was the third before he died in battle. He was a white tiger as well as my mother and he already told me all I need to know about shifters. Panthers are rare as they are random and you never know when a child could be one. It doesn't even have to do with genetics which I think just makes it annoying. My dad had always taught me to embrace what I am because it was a gift from above or whatever.

I tuned out until I saw people start to shuffle out of the room. I checked my schedule to see I had a free period next. Just what I need.

I spent the period in the library catching up on reading and ignoring my homework.

"Hi you must be the new girl."

I looked up to see a tall boy with blond shaggy hair and grey eyes. He was well built and had a warm and friendly smile.

"I'm Cody." he introduced.

"Hi I'm Piper."

"So how's your first day?"

"Well the classes suck but I did make a friend. Her names Bailey. Do you know her?" I asked

"Yeah. She's actually my mate" he smiled happily.

"Oh so you must be a wolf too then right?"

"Uh yeah...So you're a panther right? I've never met one before."

I spent the rest of my free period just hanging with Cody. I was glad Bailey had someone like him.

I said goodbye to Cody as the bell went off.

"Shifter types, really? Why do we need to know this stuff again?" Jade questioned sounding irritated.

"How should I know? We learn all kinds of stuff I'll never need again" I answered as I walked into class.

"Hello class. It seems we have a new student. Piper would you like to introduce yourself?" The young woman asked.

"Not really" I responded as a couple kids laughed at my answer.

"Very well. Hmm. Has anyone seen Xavier today?" She asked looking hopeful.

"Wow I like that name" Jade commented.

"Ya. It's rather unique. I hope he's here tomorrow."

When no one answered the teacher, she just moved on.

The class went by quickly and luckily I only had gym left. Gym was always my favorite especially now that I can let Jade out and not worry about humans seeing me.

When I got there I quickly changed into the provided white top and black shorts that were a little too short for my liking.

"Ok everyone. Get into groups of two and go run 5 laps around the campus." The gym coach shouted.

"Hi I'm luke." A attractive boy said. He had brown shaggy hair and deep brown eyes. He was attractive but wasn't my mate so I ditched that thought quickly.

"Hi I'm Piper." I introduced with a friendly smile.

"Do you want to be my partner? I mean IF you can keep up that is." He added with a smirk.

I smirked back liking the challenge.

"Sure but you should know I'm a panther and ill have no problem hurting your pride when I beat you" I walked off behind a tree to shift. No reason to waste perfectly good clothes. I almost stumbled when I came out only to face another Panther.

"Wow. I've never met someone like me before" Jade said shocked.

The Panther, who must have been Luke, smirked as he took off to run the laps. He was so on.

About two hours later I had beat him and left to change and go to my room. I passed Bailey in the hall.

"Hey! How was your first day?" She asked cheerfully.

"Not too bad. Although I'm not too fond of my English teacher" I grumbled.

"Ya. Mr.Smith likes to torture new students. You should be in the clear in about a week though"

"Thank goodness. Oh! And I met your mate Cody. He seems nice"

"Oh I'm glad. Well I'm off to bed. Goodnight" she said hurriedly as she basically ran to her room.

"That was strange" Jade said.

"Ya. But I'm too tired to care right now"

I quickly went into my room and showered. I got dressed in PJs and went to bed thinking about the absent kid Xavier.

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