I feel fresh tears burn across the surface of my eyes.

"They are fighting very strong, Catie. They've returned for food supplies, for ale. They tell us we have lost few. They tell us that the King is . . ." she pauses, smiling down at my daughter, "that he is a noble leader."

Pride surges in my chest, making my throat tight, and I swallow a bite of cheese with effort. "Aye? He is all right, then?"

Nodding, she continues. "But unfortunately, the King has learned that not only is France paying for some of the rebels' weapons and horses . . . but so is Spain."

My heart stills. "Spain? Surely you're wrong. They are allies. Maria married-"

"Aye," she says gently. "But we believe we were betrayed. Harry instructed the soldiers to call the Council to order. Just now, they meet to discuss what we have learned. I slipped in through the kitchens when they congregated in the hall. The guards have been called in to speak, to confess to the Duke and Tomlinson what has transpired here in the prison."

I blink in confusion. "The issue of Spain's betrayal is much greater," I argue. "What do they care what the Queen has done to me?"

"They care," she says slowly, "because the Council has discovered that the Queen passed the time and location of the former King's patrol to the rebels."

I stare at her, slack jawed.
Maria is the reason we lost our king, the reason Harry is now King, and the reason he has gone out to war.

"The council cares," she repeats, "because now even Douglas cannot deny that the King likely died because of Maria." She hands me the bottle of ale. "And they care what has become of you because they believe that in my arms lies the heir to this kingdom. Maria will likely be tried for treason for what she has done to the former King, but also, if they believe that your daughter is the princess, for what they have done to her, and you."

"Who told the Council that this child is Harry's?" I ask, conflicted.

"I do not know," she admits. "Douglas, most likely. I am going only on whispers and rumor. It is tearing like wildfire through the village."

"Why is Maria not in the prison?" I ask, my voice rising in hysteria. "Why does Maria not sleep in that dank cell just there?"

"Zayn believes they have her held in the tower."

I blink away, reeling as I try to piece it all through with a mind that remains cloudy.

What is Douglas playing at? That the Council knows Anne is a princess may save us, but it could also put us at greater risk. If the Council meets and determines that Maria has not betrayed us, then Maria could find a way to secretly kill us both. Or, if the Council knows there is another heir to the throne, and Harry dies in war - my heart stills at the thought - Princess Anne is an easy target for those who would wish to take over power from within.

There are a thousand ways an accident could befall us without Harry here to protect us.

"I do not trust them," I admit. "With Douglas on the Council, I do not trust them where Maria is concerned. Where my daughter is concerned."

"Aye," Mary says, reaching for my hand. "But we have no choice."

I sigh, pressing my free palm to my forehead. "This is madness. It is taking me effort to process it all."

"You have been secluded here," my sister whispers. "All of this is both heartbreaking and hopeful news. I do not quite know what to make of it, myself."

While we sit in ruminating silence, Mary looks down at my child, and bends to kiss her forehead. "She sleeps like an angel."

"Anne," I whisper. "She's called Anne."

I haven't yet told a soul my daughter's name. I long to tell Harry his child is born, that I have given her the name we chose, and that she is perfect.

Mary swipes at the fresh tears on her cheeks. "Little Anne. Aye, but it's a good name, lass, innit?" She bends, kissing her tiny nose, before looking back to me. "Catie. Can you stand?"

"Aye," I tell her. "I believe so."

"I want to take you home."

I feel my heart lift inside my chest. "They have released me?"

She shakes her head. "No, but I believe-"

And my heart falls.

"No. I cannot."

Mary stills, eyes wide. "Lord, Catie, why?"

"Because if Zayn gave you his keys, he risked his life for me. And you've broken into the dungeons, risking your life as well. Even the Council would not take such a breach lightly."

She allows this with a tiny nod.

"And if," I continue, "as you say, you believe they will confirm that Maria has committed treason, then they shall soon release us anyway."

My sister begins to plead with me, but I hold up a hand. "I do not want to commit a crime in Harry's kingdom."

But glancing to my daughter in her arms, I am torn.

I look at the blanket Mary has brought, and know I have enough food here for several days, enough linens to keep Anne clean and warm; I can no sooner let her out of my sight during this chaos than I could throw her to a pack of wolves.

"Let us strike a deal: you will find a way to come to me if I am not released within the week. But I want to look the Council in the eye and ask them to make amends. I want to only be seen as innocent, for I cannot risk my freedom. Not now."

She nods, eyes shining.

"If I cannot kill Maria with my own hands," I tell her, "I pray I am free to witness it."

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