Part two

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I stood up, there were no tears in my eyes. The doctor, myself and the social worker were all silent. I followed the doctor as she walked into the room where my mother was. There she was. Dead. Shivers ran up my spine, part of me wanted to touch her, and part of me just wanted to run away; I almost collapsed under the shock of seeing her. It was almost as if I thought the doctor had been lying to me before, as I stood there it all became... so... real. Finally I lent over, placing my hand on her head, it was  so cold and stiff, almost like she had been in a freezer; my hand shot away quickly, flinging behind me almost smacking the social worker in the face, I gasped suddenly. The doctor looked at me, along with the social worker; I looked back at them, finally the flood gate opened and tears came running down my cheeks; a rouge tear ran off my cheek and splashed on my mothers cheek, I almost expected it to turn to ice as it splashed and trickled away. 

I slept in a care home that evening, there was no family left anymore to look after me. Lay there on top of the thin mattress. I could hear a couple of social workers talking about me out side the bedroom door: "I've never seen someone be like this after losing a parent. He's so... calm." The other worker hummed in agreement before yelling 'LIGHTS OUT EVERYONE!" I remembered how my mum used to come up to my door each night, telling me not to let the 'bed bugs' bite. I lent across the small gap to the lamp and switched it off before crying myself to sleep, clutching onto a photo of her. "I love you mum." I whispered. 


A/N: DAMN THIS SH*T IS DEPRESSING! but yeah I hope you liked it :) 

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