Chapter 1: Dancing(stevonie)

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A/N: Dis story take place at a school dance even though Steven doesn't go school. Arnt I shmart. ; ^3 (p.s. look at it sideways and you'll see pearl.) Also, sorry this one is so short. Me and my friend wrote this at 2:00 am and we were pretty tired.
There was a knock at the door. She's here, thought Steven. He opened the door and saw her standing outside with the most beautiful dress on. Long and cyan with lace on the hem. And she wasn't wearing her glasses.
"So beautiful," mumbled Steven.
"What?" said Connie.
"NOTHING!". Steven yelled, just noticing that he said that out loud. "We should just get going!"
"Ok let's go." They walked together on the beach holding hands.

"Come on, Connie lets go dance!" Steven pulled Connie onto the dance floor. She looked uncertain at first but then relaxed after about a song or two. Now that she was dancing with Steven she wasn't scared about everyone staring at her. Steven made her feel safe. They'd been dancing for a half an hour, pulling each other closer and closer. Then finally their lips touched. Connie, after a while, broke the kiss and started to dance with Steven again.
Could this night get anymore perfect? Connie thought to herself, cheerfully.

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