"Was he always alone?"

"No," Danny scrubbed at his face with his palms, "Maybe? Sorry, I can't really remember. I was really angry with Ethan so I would come here to drink everything away. There might have been someone with him. It's all fuzzes and blurs."

"That's fine," Stiles sighed. He glanced once more over at Derek and Parrish. The two seemed to be having a really good time. From the side, Stiles could see Derek's lips pulled back in to a grin. Even that tiny quirk of his lips was more than Stiles had gotten in the first three years of them knowing each other. Stiles' stomach twisted uncomfortably and he was pretty sure it wasn't from the alcohol.


Stiles pulled open the door to the loft, it slid noisily along the rails. He winced at the noise of metal on metal.

"We should really get that fixed," he said to the room. At that point he looked up and searched for Derek. The man wasn't home and Stiles frowned. Derek should have been around at this time. It wasn't during his work-out period and he said he didn't have work at the shop on Tuesdays. Stiles dropped his keyring in the dish to the right of the door.

The midday sunlight streamed through the large windows of the loft. Stiles moved across the room and sank in to the large brown sofa in front of the windows. The heat of the sun warmed his skin. He sighed contentedly. He let his muscles relax and let his mind wander. Reaching up, he fiddled with the worn leather cord around his neck. At the end of it a small, dark blue talisman hung from it. The necklace had just been lying on top of Derek's dresser when Stiles had found it. Stiles liked the simplicity of it and that it was still pretty masculine for a necklace. So he swiped it. Derek had seen it during breakfast and raised his eyebrows in question over his toast.

"Do you like that?" he had asked.

Stiles had shrugged, "It's cool and it's kind of like a claim."

"It looks good," Derek had said with a little half grin. Stiles had smiled in to his eggs.

The young adult was brought back from his memories by his phone chiming in his pocket. It was Scott's text alert. Stiles' brow furrowed as he looked at the message. It was a picture message with the subject "Did you forget something?" Stiles opened the message and waited for the picture to load. The picture was of Derek sitting at a table. By the color of the booth and the checkered pattern of the tabletop, he was at Betty's Diner.

Stiles hit the reply button and quickly sent a message back to Scott.

what r u doing?

date w/kira <3 did you have a date w/der?

Stiles thought for a moment and then shook his head.

no. is he alone?


Stiles worried at his lower lip between his teeth. What was going on? As he was thinking, his phone chimed in his hand.

nvm. some1 just came in nd sat w/him

Suddenly Stiles' throat was dry and his stomach clenched uncomfortably.

is it a blonde guy?

yeah! hes in uniform. deputy maybe?

Stiles stared down at the message and then typed out a quick reply.

can u get another creepy pic?

It was about five minutes before Scott pulled through. The subject was "Compliments of Kira ^3^"

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