I climbed into the shower and slowly soaped up my body, my hands caressing all the areas on my body that Danny had the night before. My thoughts kept going back to Danny and I couldn't help myself, my hands drifted down in between hips. As my fingers moved between my legs and caressed my clit, I groaned.

"Want company?" Danny said as he opened the shower door. He climbed in and pulled me against him, kissing me. Backing my up against the tile wall, he lifted one of my legs and slid into me easily. I sighed against him as he picked up the pace. Yesterday was passionate, exciting and rough, but today was just as fast and needy. He fucked me like I was an oasis he had just found in the middle of the desert after days of no water. It was over in a couple minutes and my body felt satisfied but weak.

"Well, that is certainly a pleasant way to start the day," I said as he pulled out of me.

Danny laughed and grabbed some shampoo, pouring some into my hair. I leaned my back against his chest as his fingers massaged my scalp and moaned, "You are a sex starved maniac, I just want you to know that."

"Only with you babe, only with you." He kept massaging the soap into my hair, "Besides, if I remember correctly, you've been pretty sex starved yourself."

"You're right. And I love fucking you more than just about anything else, but we can't do this every morning. If we keep fucking as often as we have, I will never get to work on time. Never mind the fact that I will be walking funny." I pulled away from him and washed the soap out of my hair, "Besides, if we keep fucking like bunnies, I'm not going to have enough energy to do anything but lounge in bed all day and eat bonbons."

We climbed out of the shower and started drying off, "What if that is the way I want you? Worn out and in my bed all day. Able to make love to you at a moment's notice." He slapped my ass, "Besides, the bonbons would just make your ass more luscious."

Glaring at him, I put my hands on my hips, "Look, as much as I love having copious amounts of sex with you, I am not a piece of property for you to own. I have feelings and a desire to do something other than warm my bed. Plus, if my ass gets much bigger I might squish you next time we make love."

Danny just laughed and pulled me into a bear hug, "Babe, as much as I would love to have you naked and writhing beneath me twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, I want you to have your own life. I want you to be happy, and even though you would definitely be satisfied sexually, you wouldn't be happy for long."

The tension in my shoulders relaxed and I smiled, "I'm sorry I jumped down your throat like that, Danny. I just haven't been in charge of my life for so long, it feels good to be able to make my own decisions, to make my own life choices."

"Babe," he looked at me questioningly. "Did you remember something new about your life before the crash?"

"Not really, it's just more of a feeling that I get. Like I've always had everything planned out for me, from what school I went to, all the way down to the clothes I wore. I know that I come from money, I remembered that much. But my parents weren't around very much, and that meant boarding schools and nannies watching over my every move. My parents probably made me what I am. I mean, look at my hair. You can see that my roots are growing in, so my hair is definitely not naturally this blonde. I mean it's blonde, but you can tell I've had it professionally highlighted and it looks like it was expensive." I pulled at my hair, "And I don't even like my hair this light. It could stand to be a shade or two darker. When I got here, I was so skinny you could almost count my ribs. Why would any girl want to be that skinny? It can't possibly be healthy."

"Babe, maybe you are just changing. Sometimes people with head injuries change drastically after being in an accident. Maybe that is what happened to you."

"I don't think so." I dressed quickly as I was close to running late for work, "I might have been trying to be someone that I wasn't, but I don't think that I really felt that way. Honestly, I think I was being pressured into molding myself into the perfect girl to fit the perfect life. I'm so much happier not being skinny, and when I get a chance I am going to cut off some of my hair and get it dyed a darker shade of blonde, something a little more natural."

"Don't cut your hair off, babe, it's beautiful. I know that it's probably a lot of work, being long and thick, but it's gorgeous. I love wrapping my hands in it when I kiss you."

"Okay, I won't cut my hair." I kissed him solidly, "Now, can you please take me to work. I don't want to be late for my first day, and I have a feeling that there are some things that Gerry wouldn't be able to let me get away with even if he wanted to. Especially if it is something that is within my control."

Danny threw on a pair of pants and grabbed his keys, "If we're late, I'll tell him it was my fault. I took too long in the shower or something. Plus, there is no way he'll fire you on the first day. That would make him look bad to all those ladies that have been drooling over his superhero status."

I laughed loudly, "Alright, let's go before I have to take you up on telling Gerry it's your fault." 

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