"Dammit monkey!" I yelled out, shoving him back.

He giggled quietly ignoring the looks everyone else gave him.

"Clara, how was the run today?"

I shrugged and smiled lightly at Alby. "This stupid shank didn't get us lost so that's always good."

Newt's head snapped up to look at Minho which caused me to laugh quietly. Minho elbowed me lightly and I returned it.

Alby shook his head. "Anything new though?"

Several pairs of eyes turned to us, including Thomas, and I looked at Minho, not wanting to talk about the maze. "It changed again." He replied, a solemn expression on his face. He shrugged, looking at me. "We had to double back and go a completely different way. It's actually getting kind of dangerous for us to be running that far out now. Especially since we don't know why they're doing it." He shook his head and took another bite of food, leaning towards me. I bumped him quickly before he had the chance to get me causing him to grin.

"Who's they?" Thomas asked Minho.

I glanced up at him and met his gaze but quickly looked back down at my food. Newt and Minho both shifted closer to me feeling my discomfort.

"The creators, the ones who put us here." Alby replied instead. "Minho, if you don't think you guys should be running out that far...or out there at all..." Alby's eyes lingered on me before returning to Minho. Several others turned their attention to us, the tension heightened at our table.

The silence settled around us before I glanced at Minho and shook my head. "We're fine. We can both run fast enough to make up the time we lose when it changes." I glanced back at Minho and he was eagerly nodding in agreement.

"The other night was bloody close though." Newt mumbled.

"It was damn close, you guys got lucky." Gally replied.

"Yeah, really lucky." Zart added.

I looked up at the boys around us and sighed, they weren't making this any easier. Minho shifted nervously next to me, leaning closer to me. My eyes met his briefly before Alby spoke.

"They're right. We can't risk having you guys get stuck out there." Alby said, placing his fork on the table.

What does he mean, stuck out there?

I looked up at Thomas sharply and Newt followed my gaze. "There's a maze beyond the walls greenie. Every night the walls close to keep the grievers and such outside. To keep us safe. You'll learn about that on your tour." Newt told him, realizing Thomas must have asked the question in my head.

Thomas' eyes widened and he looked around at the walls once more.

"Don't worry greenie we're safe in the glade. The only ones who have to worry about it are the runners." He gestured to Minho and I. Newt grunted before sulking off to the kitchen.

"Really Alby? You had to say that?" I shook my head and Minho patted my shoulder as I got up to follow Newt and drop my plate off. "Newt, wait up."

"No, he's right. It's getting really dangerous for you guys now." He stopped and looked at me and I reached up to gently caress his cheek. "You can't worry about that my love. It's okay. I'll get back to you each night."

He grasped my hand and shook his head. "You can't know that. What if it changes one night too late and you guys don't make it?" His voice had risen and I glanced around at the other boys now looking at us.

"Then we'll do what we're trained to do. Run." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes rushing off to the homestead. I sighed and Fry Pan started laughing as he walked into the kitchen.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now