Part 1

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You peek over Frodo's window sill as he holds a serious conversation with Gandalf the Grey. Apparently, Frodo possess an evil ring that a dark lord forged thousands of years ago. You duck as Gandalf looks your way. You lose your balance and fall on to your backside. You yelp as the shrubery beneath you pinches your body. Gandalf stares down at you gravelly and then pulls you up and through the window from the back of your shirt. You stare at him, your eyes wide with fear. "What are you doing sitting the shrubbery, Y/N?" He asks sternly. You give a fleeting glance to Frodo, your best friend. Then you look up at Gandalf. You swallow and take a deep breath. "I-I was listening to your conversation." You say, boldly. "You were eavesdropping?" Gandalf asks. You flinch at his use of the harsh word. You look to the floor and roll your lips before answering. "Yes, sir." You reply, quietly. Gandalf releases you and you straighten your clothes, shaking with fear. "Well, then, I guess you'll just have to come with Frodo." He says. "What!" You exclaim, bringing your head up to stare at him incredulously. "You need to be Frodo's body guard. It's a long trek to Bree, where you'll meet me. And then together we'll travel to Rivendell." He adds. "Come now, Y/N." Frodo says, walking up to you. He puts a hand on your shoulder. "You've always told me how badly you wanted to see the Elves." He says, smiling. "I know, Frodo." You sigh. "But now we'll have the armies of Mordor after us. It's... dangerous." You state quietly. "And that is why you must travel quickly. Now hurry, young Hobbits, we must leave soon." Gandalf says, before walking out of the room. You stare after him until you feel Frodo squeeze your shoulder. You look at him. "We can do this, Y/N, it won't be so bad." He says, giving you an encouraging smile. You return the smile, and then together you follow Gandalf.

A couple of days ago Frodo and you set off on your journey to Bree and already so much has happened. On day one, you ran into Merry and Pippin. Or more like the other way around. They ran into Frodo and you. While the four of you were running away from farmer Maggot, the Hobbit that Merry and Pippin had been stealing from, each of you fell down a step ravine. From there, you were chased by Black Riders until you came up to Bucklebury Ferry, where you set off towards Bree. Now Frodo, Merry, Pippin, and you are walking into the Prancing Pony, the rendezvous point where you're supposed to meet Gandalf. "Excuse me." Frodo says loudly, coming up to the counter. A large man peers over and stares at the four of you. "Good evening, Hobbits, what can I do for you? I have lovely little rooms customized for Hobbit folk like yourselves." He says. "We're looking for Gandalf the Grey." Frodo says. "Gandalf..." The man murmurs thoughtfully. "Oh!" He snaps his fingers. "Older fellow with a long beard and a pointy hat?" He asks. Frodo nods, smiling. "Hmm, can't say I've seen lately. Last time he was around was about... oh, six months ago." The man says. Frodo looks at you, panic flitting into his eyes. "It's okay, he'll be here." You whisper encouragingly. The four of you go to sit down at a table and, like usual, Pippin and Merry go to get a drink. You look around the Prancing Pony and a strange hooded figure catches your eye. Your eyebrows draw and you gently elbow your best friend. Frodo looks at you worriedly. "What's wrong?" He asks. "That man in the corner. He's done nothing but stare at us since we've got here." You whisper. "Baggins? Sure, I know Frodo Baggins!" Pippin exclaims loudly. Frodo and you immediately turn to glare at Pippin. Frodo jumps up from his seat and rushes over to Pippin. He grabs Pippin by the shoulders and is about to pull him away from the bar when he slips and falls to his back. The One Ring slips from Frodo's grasp and everyone watches. You stand up, your heart pounding as the ring falls on Frodo's finger and makes him disappear. You get lost in the crowds of people that surround Frodo, though you eagerly fight through them to get him. "Frodo!" You exclaim. You see Frodo reappear ten feet away from you and then he's suddenly whisked away by the hooded figure. "Frodo!" You shout, bursting through the people. You grab a bottle off the bar counter and race up the stairs to where the man went with Frodo. Merry and Pippin follow you. You rush into the room that Frodo went into. "If you dare hurt him, I'll smash your head in!" You shout harshly to the man, holding up the bottle as a weapon. Frodo looks between you and the man. "I admire your strength and bravery to defend your friend, but right now something more fierce hunts him." The man says. "Who are you?" You ask suspiciously. "My name is Strider. I'm a ranger from the North." He answers. "What are you doing here, Strider?" You ask, settling the glass bottle down to cross your arms. "I am to take you to Rivendell. Gandalf the Grey is unable to bring you there so I am to do it." Strider answers. You step closer to Frodo, moving in front of him protectively. "Do you think we should trust him?" You ask, making sure only Frodo hears you. "I think we should." He says. You nod your okay.

You're on Weathertop, sleeping next to Frodo when you smell bacon. You sit upright with a start and lunge for the fire, covering it up with blankets. "What are you doing?!" You shriek. Frodo wakes up and that's when you hear the screech of a Ringwraith. You stare at Merry and Pippin and shake your head. You grab Frodo and haul him to the top of Weathertop. You pull out your sword and Merry, Pippin, and you surround Frodo as the Ringwraiths walk closer. You yell out a battle cry and lunge for the first Ringwraith. He easily grabs you and roughly shoves you to the ground. Merry and Pippin follow your actions, and land in the same position in you. "Frodo!" You scream, as a Wraith walks towards him. Frodo quickly puts his ring on and the Wraith looks momentarily confused. Then the Wraith stabs the air. Frodo pulls his ring off and screams. "Frodo!" You yell. Strider comes to the top of Weathertop and starts fighting the Wraiths. "Frodo." You breathe. You crawl towards Frodo and hold him in your arms. He cries out in pain and grips your hand. "It hurts, Y/N." He cries. "I know, I know." You whisper, dropping your forehead to his. You pull him close as Strider finishes off the last Wraiths.

Frodo gets worse by the hour. Strider, Merry, and Pippin go to find some Athelas plants to help put off Frodo's sickness just until you can get him to lord Elrond of Rivendell. You sit next to Frodo and stare at his pale face. Tears fill your eyes. "Oh, Frodo, please. Please don't turn into one of those Wraiths." You beg. You hear some branches breaking and you turn to see Strider and an Elven woman coming for Frodo. The woman kneels beside Frodo. "There's not much time for him." She whispers, starting to pick him up. You put a hand on her arm to stop her. "What are you planning to do?" You ask. "I need to get him to my father before he turns into one of the Ringwraiths." She answers, pulling Frodo into her arms. "I'm coming with you." You state, stepping forward. Strider puts an arm on your shoulder to stop you. "You can't, Y/N. You'll only slow Arwen down." He says. "Frodo is my best friend. He means everything to me." You cry. You stare at Frodo's face and your heart is filled with uncondiotional love to him. "I-I love him." You whisper, your voice breaking. "We will Frodo in a couple of days." Strider explains as you both watch Frodo and Arwen on the horse. "Ride hard, Arwen. Don't look back." Strider says. The Elf smiles prettily at Strider and then rides off. You turn away from Strider, your heart filled with panic.

As soon as you enter Rivendell, you set off to find Frodo. An Elf directs you to his room and you run to it. When you enter his room, you see him sleeping peacefully on the feather bed. "Oh, Frodo." You whisper, walking to the bed. Your chin quivers and you sniff. You pick up his hand and run your thumb over his knuckles. You sit down on the bed and brush away some of Frodo's wavy hair from his forehead. His eyes suddenly open and his big blue eyes stare at you. "Y/N?" He asks, his voice cracking. You nod, blinking away the tears. "How do you feel?" You ask. "Okay, I guess." He murmurs. You smile and squeeze his hand. "I'm so glad you're alive. I thought I was going to lose you." You say. Frodo's eyes bore into yours and you take a deep breath. "Frodo." You say. "Yes?" He asks. You lick your lips. "Frodo, I love you." You state. "You do?" He asks wistfully. You smile and nod. "I do." You answer. "I love you too, Y/N." He says, smiling a little. You hug him gently and Frodo hugs you back. You pull back slightly to give me a soft kiss on the lips. "Well, if that isn't going to heal you, I don't know what will." Lord Elrond says suddenly. You practically jump away from Frodo, blushing furiously. You cough as Elrond chuckles. "Y/N has been doing me good for a while." Frodo says, smiling at you. You return the smile. "I-I'll be back later, Frodo." You say quietly. Frodo mouths "I love you." and you blush. Elrond is still chuckling as you leave the room.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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IMAGINE: Falling in love with Frodo while you travel with him to RivendellWhere stories live. Discover now