Reason 1:

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His role at Jurassic world!!!😍❤

I mean have you guys seen that movie!? The way he is acting and how sassy and funny he is?!😍

Why is he so f🙊cking awesome:

💗: His relationship with blue💋 they are like so freaking adorable I mean look at them🙈🙉🙊

💗:Dat ass tho🙊❌ I mean how many tastes of Owen Grady's ass have we taken ?

💗:He is so sassy in dying🙈😱

💗How he says "eyes on me" I'm like freaking out😱

----------------------------------------------so that was the first chap💁 YAYY!!! I am so excited to write this☺ If you want to continue leave a like or a comment😙 Can't wait to read them I am very excited.
P.S:💋Comment some reasons of why you love Chris and ill give you credits😘 BYE BYE PRATTIES 😁

Reasons to love Chris PrattWhere stories live. Discover now