I'm glad things happened the way they did, though.

One night I was sitting at my regular bar, alone, and all the other tables were taken. She and her friends came in, three girls in total, and sat right down at my table. Like a deer in headlights, I stumbled through introductions to each of them.

"I've seen you around, staring at me," she said, laughing. "You a creep, or just a misunderstood nice guy?"

She was speaking to me!

"Nice guy!" I insisted. "You girls want a round? I'll buy."

And of course they accepted.

One of her friends seemed rather interested in me, but I had eyes only for her. The friend invited me to a party with them later, and I tagged along, high on excitement and possibility.

Once at the party, I dodged the amorous friend, and found her chatting up some guy. No matter - he was just some asshole, and I knew I would win out in the end even if he took her home that night. While I stumbled through small talk, I became aware that I was quite the third wheel in that little corner of the room.

"Go get me a drink," she said, laughing awkwardly.

"Sure thing," I immediately agreed.

I stumbled through the crowded rooms to the keg and filled up a cup like she asked, returning it to her quickly.

"Thanks," she said with a smile.

I... felt rather stupid, for awhile there. I was just a guy, blundering around, looking for affection in all the wrong ways...

...until the party ended, and she ended up by herself on the couch. I listened to her complain about assholes and creeps for nearly two hours. That guy she'd been talking to had left her high and dry, running off with some skank. I nodded, gleeful at how right I'd been... and here she was, confiding in me.

That's when she said it.

"You are a nice guy. Do you... want to hang out tomorrow?"

Stunned, it was all I could do to say yes.

I met her at the mall, and we spent the day together as she tried on clothes and showed them to me. I even bought her a few, saying "yes dear" jokingly... but she just smiled, and didn't correct me.

I was high on cloud nine.

We spent almost every day together, after that. I have to admit, sometimes it got painful. I wanted her so badly, but she never seemed emotionally available for real intimacy... asshole guys came and went, and I managed to secretly sabotage most of them.

Most of them.

I was in a fight for her heart, so I don't feel bad about it.

Oh, no, you misunderstand me - I didn't do anything criminal. Just little snide comments - or lies about her, when she wasn't listening... or lies about him, when she was.

While my life began to constrict into a cage of pain and negativity, this constant war to keep her isolated draining everything I had, she seemed to be on her own dark path. She started to get into drugs, no matter how much I argued against it - I'd tell her, "I'm your best friend, I'm worried about you, don't do this..." but that only seemed to encourage her.

At least she kept herself away from the real dangerous stuff; she only used the drugs that wouldn't ruin her appearance or social standing.

One day, I couldn't take it anymore. I cornered her in her apartment and confessed - spilled - poured out my infinite love for her. "I'd do anything for you," I told her, feeling incredible.

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