We walked back to the cliff we crossed over last night, and it was just as breathtaking in the morning as it was at night. Just as we walked out of the trees, the sun lifted into the sky and painted the valley with vibrant colors. The lake at the bottom of the valley glistened as if filled with crystals and almost on cue a orchestra of birds and other mysterious animals sang out to greet the sun.

     "Wow, this kind of thing only happens in movies."  I said in total awe.

     Zee chuckled. "That's exactly what I said the first time I saw this."

     We watched the sunrise a little while longer, then started down toward the lake. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to bring back any more memories, but I had to know.

     "Yeah? Sure."

      "Would you prefer me to call you... Nick or Zee?..."

     He stopped and stared at me for a few seconds. "I never thought of it... going back to being Nick." He admitted in a whisper. "He seems like a whole other person to me.... But. I don't know, when I'm here," He swept his arm out, gesturing to the island. "When I'm here, I can only see myself as Zee, you know? Nick Swanson could have never survived here." He smiled and laughed.

     "Alright then, Zee." I smiled at him. "Let's hurry up so we can eat whatever smells so good! I'm starved!"

     "I'll bet!"

     We ran the rest of the way down the hill and he turned around as I stripped out of my pirate get-up and dove into the lake. The water was freezing but I didn't care. I stayed under water until my lungs burned and surfaced taking a deep breath.

     "Ahhhhhhh!" I sighed out feeling totally relaxed.

     "That nice, huh?" Zee called out, his back still turned. His accent was starting to become less noticeable.

     "Once you live with pirates for a few days, you'll know what I mean." I laughed back.

     "Oh! Here I almost forgot!" He bent over and picked something out of the sack my clothes were in. Without turning around, he tossed something over his shoulder. I swam over and grabbed the things laying on the beach. Two towels.


     I took one and dove back under the water. I scrubbed as hard as I could, tying to get all the dirt and grime off of me. It was hard to feel completely clean without soap, but I figured my skin turning bright red from scrubbing so hard was a good sign that I could stop. I quickly got out of the water and wrapped the dry towel around me.

     "Toss me the bag?" I asked.

     "Here ya go!" He kicked it to me, still not turning around. It felt so good to be back in a t shirt and shorts!

     "Ok, I'm ready!"

     When we came back into the village, it had completely transformed. Colorful rugs were hung all over, statues were erected everywhere I turned, there was music playing, everyone was covered in war paint, and a huge bonfire was already burning in the middle of the camp. Not to mention the aroma of whatever was cooking made my mouth water like crazy.

     "Wow." I said.

     "Aashi!" I heard Jaz call out.

     "Hey!" I smiled as he came out of nowhere and hugged me. I felt another hand touch my shoulder and I turned around.

     "Aanadi! You look beautiful!" And she did. She wore a dress that was made out of animal hide, as were most of the other women, but hers was loaded with beads and different designs painted all over it. She wore tons of jewelry, all hand made I assumed, and a headdress that I assumed was only meant for the bride of the Chief. She looked elegant, powerful, and full of light.

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