Chapter two - a day of fun

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Me and Chris set of the next day for our 'fun day' as he kept calling it. We pulled up out side of a park, I got out of the car and so did Chris. "You brought me all the way to San Diego park?" I turned to look at him and he smirked. "Well I gathered from your texts last night you would want to get away for a while" I shook my head and laughed. "Yea I did, I just didn't think you would drive me two and a half hours away"  he put his baseball hat in  and walked over to me. We set off walking when I heard my phone ring. "Hello?.... I told you I was going out....sorry.....i don't you too" with that I hung up and started texting when Chris grabbed my phone off me. "I'm guessing that was the boyfriend" I tried reaching for my phone but he was to tall. "His name is Jason, now give me my phone back"
"No, we are having a fun day to cheer you up, which means not calling and texting Jason...let him worry" was he either totally crazy or just stupid. "Tell me what happened" I sighed. "He was just saying that I never told him where I was going or who I was going with and he was worried... He also wants be to be back by 6 because he is taking me out" I held my hand out so Chris would give me my phone back but he didn't he just laughed. "What?" I replied in a harsh tone.
"Why are you letting him bark orders... Look I know we only just met and I know it's not my place to say anything.... But just have today where you blow him off and let him worry and you'll see how good it feels to be on the other side of it." He was totally crazy, but it kind of made sense. What's the harm in trying. "I can't believe you are talking me into this.... fine" he smirked and turned my phone off before handing it back. I rolled my eyes and followed him to the lake.

As we were walking around the lake we started asking each other questions, I loved spending time with Chris, I feel like I could trust him, I was safe with him and there was not a care in the world. "Ok so tell me you back story" I said to him he laughed at me. He told me all about his family and his brother Scott. He talked for ages about when he was at school and his first love and his parents. "Sounds like a pretty normal life" I said as I snatched his black hate of him and put it on my head. "Looks better on you " I looked up at him. "Thanks" i felt my cheeks burn. Am I seriously blushing? I thought to myself. "Come then Ivy tell me about yourself." My face dropped and I tried to change the subject. "Hey look peddle boats" he ran in front of me as I was about to walk off. "Why won't you tell me?, this is the second time I have tried bringing it up and you just ignore it.... I'm not going to judge you.. I'd like to think we are becoming friends, you can trust me... Just tell me about your parents or something" I rolled my eyes and walked over to a park bench. "Ok well, I have lived in L.A all my life with my mom and my dad.... When I was 14 my dad found out that my mom had an affair with someone she met through work... I think he was a model or something, anyway... It really messed my dad up to the point where he became over protective over me, he only wanted me dating a certain type, so you can imagine his face when I met Jason, he think the sun shine out of his ass." I sighed and he looked at me with sadness. "What happened to you and your mom? Do you guys still speak?" I sighed. "We did, I didn't blame her for what happened, you can't help who you love right.... She told me it's ok to love someone else even though you are committed to someone else.. She's also the one that told me to live life to the full and never waist a moment being miserable."
"No offence but you don't seem like that kind of person" I looked at him and felt my eyes fill up, but I held them back.
"Well I was until I turned 19" I think he could tell I was feeling upset because he put his arm around me. "Why don't we go and get an ice cream and go on the peddle boats" I laugh slightly and nod.

The day flew by and it was 8 before we got back in the car. "Thanks for a good day..I don't remember the last time I had that much fun" he chuckled before replying. "Hey we still have a two and half drive home, the days not over" he winked at me before starting the engine. Ok, it's official, I have a hot friend I thought to myself. I decided it was time to turn my phone on. 5 miss calls and 2 voicemails. I put the phone to my ear and listened to my voice mails, after I listened to them I put my phone down. "Shit!" I threw my head back into the seat. "What's wrong".
"Well not only is Jason going to be mad, but i think my dad might be aswel." I looked out of the window and I felt Chris' warm hand touch mine. "Don't worry, look we have had an amazing day, don't let them ruin it for you" I squeezed his hand feeling nervous. "Don't be scared of them" I chuckled " I'm not Chris" he put his hand back on the steering wheel. " I'm always here if you need me... You know that right?" I nodded and smiled at him. "To say I haven't known you long at all, I feel like we have been friends for years" I saw a smile grow across his face. "Well I hope we will be".

When Chris dropped me off it was 10:30, I quietly locked the door behind me. When I turned around I saw an annoyed Jason looking at me. "Where's my dad?" He walked closer to me. "He thought we might need to talk so he went out."  I put my bag down and took my shoes off. "Where have you been? I got worried, you never go off like that" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Jason I told you this morning I was going out with Chris." He chuckled. "Why can't you just tell me the truth.. Like I'm going to believe Chris Evans would want to spend a day with you.?" I could feel myself getting annoyed. "I am telling you the truth, he is a friend from work and if you payed attention to me you would know this" I looked at me in shock. "I'm sorry, but while you have been in your own little bubble, some of us have been working" I could have punched him in his face. "We have been together two years, you know all the crap I have been through" with that I stormed past him and went up to bed.

Soon after I went upstairs, I heard the front door slam shut. I led on my bed and cried, thinking about if my mom was here what would she say. I go out with a friend and this is the crap I get, I thought everyone would be happy I was finally getting my life back on track. After calming down I put some sweatpants and a top on and watched telly in bed. I leant over to put my phone on charge and I saw a text from Chris. He sent me a goofy photo of us when we were out on the boats, and under neither he put hope everything is ok, if not this might cheer you up. I'm here if you need a friend.
I smiled and set my phone in the side. I knew I would have to sort things with Jason, but right know I was to tired.

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