We hung out for a few minutes before I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded, "Trip, I think that maybe I had a little bit too much to drink."

"Nonsense beautiful, you can never have too much to drink." He pulled me against him, kissing me hard, "Besides, the night is just getting started."

He put his hands on my ass, lifting me slightly up towards him to I was standing on my toes. Apparently I was unable to hold my liquor tonight, because my resistance was way down. Maybe I should have eaten more than a salad at dinner.

He leaned down slightly and kissed me passionately, forcefully thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I leaned into him, placing my hands on his muscular chest, pushing my hips against his moving them against him to the beat of the music.

Lifting me higher, he spread my thighs slightly with his hands so he could place his hips between mine, allowing his engorged member to press more firmly against me. His lips moved down to my neck and one of his hands pushed the strapless top of my dress down, baring my breasts for all to see. With his fingers, he tweaked my nipple causing me to gasp with pain and arousal. I heard a gasp to the side and saw Gabriella say something to him before she took off, "What did Gabs want?"

"Oh, don't worry about her sweetheart." His head came down so his lips could surround my nipple and he bit into my flesh, "We're going to have some fun tonight."

By this time, the lightheadedness was getting worse. I didn't feel like I could stand up straight for much longer, so it was a good thing that Trip was holding me against him. And I could definitely feel every inch of him pressed hard against me. My thong was completely soaked through by my juices, and I couldn't help but feel like I wanted Trip inside me right then and there.

This was everything that I had wanted on the way to his house, but I felt like my body was making the choices for me. If my mind hadn't been so fuzzy with alcohol, I wouldn't have been allowing him to dry hump me in front of everyone at the party. Trip knew that and was taking full advantage of that fact.

Trip picked me up and I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. His hardness was right against the juncture of my thighs, causing me to make a mewling sound in my throat. If it weren't for the fact that we were both dressed, he would have been fucking right there. But it still felt so good, it's hard to explain. If he had wanted to strip me naked and fuck me until I couldn't walk straight, I would have let him. I was enjoying every moment of my body betraying me to these sensations.

Before I knew what was happening, Trip had me upstairs and opened a door to what I assumed was his bedroom. He threw me down on the bed and quickly stripped off his clothes, his member hard and long as it jutted from his hips. Shoving my dress up to my waist, he ripped my thong off and roughly spread my legs as wide as they would go. It was not the most comfortable position to be in, so I could tell that my hips were going to be sore in the morning.

I was just about to complain when he shoved himself into me without any preparation other than what we had done downstairs. I was pretty slick, but he was big enough that it still hurt. One of his hands went to my throat and squeezed tight enough that I was having difficulties breathing. I tried to claw his hand off my throat, but he just laughed and starting fucking me with a ferocity that scared me. Apparently, my body was enjoying the assault, because after a couple minutes of his violent penetration I started to cum, over and over again. This was the most orgasms I had ever had at once and I hated myself for feeling so good. But at the same time, I was loving every minute of being with Trip. He wasn't my fantasy guy, but the one I was hoping to marry and spend the rest of my life with. Finally, Trip came and collapsed on top of me panting, releasing my neck.

Trip raised himself above me and smiled at me with an evil grin, "Damn, you were a better fuck than I thought you would be. Your so tight, you squeezed me just right." He got off the bed and pulled me to my feet. The effects of the alcohol were still coursing through my body and I was unsteady on my feet, so Trip pulled my dress down to cover my bare ass and pulled up the top of my dress to cover my breasts. He grabbed both of my shoulders with his hands and forced me to look at him, "Now Isabelle, you brought this onto yourself. Everyone knows you were coming over here to try and trick me into marrying you, but you should know that you are far too poor for me to ever consider marriage. Plus, my fiancé would never allow it."

At the word fiancé, my jaw fell open in surprise and Trip laughed loudly, "You see Isabelle, I've always wanted to fuck you. You come around to my party dressed like a little whore and you expect to make me fall in love with you? Ha, I just want to fuck your brains out, which is why I drugged your tequila. You should feel better in the morning, but I just wanted to give you a little bit of extra stimulation. Something that would lower your inhibitions and make you more responsive."

I tried to push away from him, but his fingers just dug into my shoulders tighter, "Don't bother telling anyone about this, no one will ever believe that you didn't want it after the little display you put on downstairs." He led me to the bedroom door and opened it, pushing me out, "Now get the fuck out of my house and don't ever bother coming back."

In shock, I stood there for a couple minutes staring at the closed bedroom door. Trip's cum and my own juices were trailing down my thighs, I felt bruised and ached everywhere. Tears came to my eyes when I realized that I had been raped by the guy I was trying to impress. How could he do that to me? Was that what Gabriella was trying to warn me about earlier? The drugs he had slipped me still addled my brain, but I was cognizant enough to stumble down the stairs, holding onto the railing so I wouldn't fall. People stared at me as I made my way to the front door, some leaned over and whispered to their friends, laughing.

I couldn't bear to stay there a minute longer, so barefoot and alone, I rushed out to my convertible glad that I had thought to leave the keys in the cup holder. I turned on the car and put it into drive, shooting gravel up and as I sped away from the house. Tears streamed down my cheeks, making it hard to see where I was going. Driving probably wasn't the best idea in my condition, but I just wanted to get home, burn my dress and take a long scalding hot shower to get any trace of Trip off of me. I started feeling dizzy right before I blacked out. 


Hi again everyone, I know that rape is not a topic that many people like to talk about. Rape is a horrible thing, and this chapter in no way glorifies it. Yes, Isabelle enjoyed it, but that was because of the drugs that she was given. Rape in any situation is never okay.

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