Start from the beginning

"Pleasure," Cedric replied, then he looked at his dad. "Dad, can you excuse me for just a minute?"

"Sure son, go on," Amos answered. Cedric walked over to Halley, Fred, and George.

"Hey Fred and George," Cedric said.

"Hey Cedric," the twins said, in unison.

"Guys you mind if I talk with Halley for a minute?"

"No, of course not," George mentioned. George and Halley locked eyes, and in his eyes she saw love, worry, and a little jealously, then him and Fred walked over to their dad, and everyone else.

"How are you Cedric?" Halley asked.

"I'm good how about you?"

"Never better."

"You know I can tell when you're lying Potter." They both laughed, and hugged.

"I'll tell you at school Diggory.

"Alright, let's get going with everyone, so we're not left behind."

"Sounds good." Cedric and Halley walked over to everyone who were gathering around what looked like a boot, and Hermione and Ginny looked at Halley when she got over to them in shock.

'What?' Halley mouthed.

'You know him?' Hermione mouthed back. Halley nodded, and Ginny held her mouth open and then closed it.

'How?' Ginny mouthed.

'Later,' Halley mouthed back. At that she heard Amos Diggory speak up before everyone put their hands on the boot.

"Merlin's beard!" Amos exclaimed. "You're the Potter twins!"

"Yes sir," Harry and Halley replied, in unison.

"Pleasure to meet you both!" He shook their hands.

"You too sir," Harry answered. He walked over as almost everyone put their hands on the boot. "Why is everyone gathering around that manky old boot?"

"I dunno Harry," Halley answered.

"That's not just any manky old boot, mates," Fred began.

"It's a portkey!" Fred and George exclaimed. Everyone, except the Potters, put their hands on the boot.

"Alright on three," Amos began. "One, two,"

"Harry, Halley!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed. They put their hands on there quickly.

"Three!" Amos exclaimed. Then they took off in mid-air, and they were in the clouds.

"Alright kids, let go!" Mr. Weasley yelled over the wind.

"What?" the girls asked, in unison.

"Let go!" He exclaimed again, and they did. They all screamed as they fell and then they landed on the ground all of them on their backs.

"Bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Amos asked, laughing as him, Arthur, and Cedric were literally walking on air down to the ground. Cedric walked over and helped up Harry from the ground, who had landed right next to Halley.

"Thanks," Harry said, as he grabbed Cedric's hand and got up. George had gotten up from the ground himself, and went over to Halley.

"Here you are, Halley," George replied, as he held out his hand for her.

"Thanks George," Halley said.

"Don't mention it." They then all took off and got to where the Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, and Halley would be staying at.

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