Chapter 10

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Thank you people for commenting so much it makes me so happy you don't even know.

The pic is Naomi ;)


enjoy the chapter ;)


To say that dinner was awkward would be an understatement.

Cisco, Gabby, Daniel and I sat around the makeshift table in silence, no one willing to start a conversation.

The only noises that echoed in the soundless room were the occasional clinks of forks and knifes against the plates.

"This food is really good," I complimented. "Who made it?" I turned towards the boys.

Daniel made eye contact with me first, that alone enough to make me swoon, but surprisingly Cisco spoke first.

"I did," he confessed. "It's a local dish called gallo pinto with tostones and ensalada de repollo. The gallo pinto is a mix of fried beans and rice, the tostones are fried plantains, and the ensalada de repollo is cabbage salad." he explained while pointing to each respective plate.

"Wow," I said astonished. It somewhat surprised me that he had been known how to cook the whole meal.

Cisco must have read the expression on my face because he immediately answered my thoughts. "My mom had taught me from a young age. She said cooking was an important skill for everyone, no matter what gender," he informed me, beaming.

I smiled back at him and began to eat, the room falling silent again.

Gabby, who was sitting across from me kicked my foot, causing my knee to hit the top of the table.

I swore under my breath at the throbbing pain that had started to build aIt the top of my knee that I had injured. Narrowing my eyes at Gabby, I gave her a why the hell would you do that glare.

She ignored that however, and instead mouthed; "Two boys already?" while wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at her teasing, ignoring her not so subtle comment and began to eat again.

While I was eating, I looked over at Daniel - who was seated diagonal from me - who was staring at Gabby and I like we were the craziest thing he'd seen all day.

I let out a small laugh at the expression on his face and his reaction to our 'secret girl code', and that seemed to bring a smile to replace the confused expression that had previously been displayed.

There we sat as the silence engulfed us again; Gabby wiggling her eyebrows at me, Cisco scarfing down food, Daniel eating with a smile still on his face, and me laughing between bites at how weird we all were.

Finally, Gabby must have gotten tired of the mixed emotions going around the table and decided to break the ice. "Hey guys, I found Nay a job," she announced proudly.

I gave her a weird look when I heard her new nickname for me, but she just waved me off.

Daniel raised his eyebrows, seemingly interested and turned to face me. "What did she find you?"

Fighting back a blush at the fact that his gorgeous brown eyes were burning into my hazel ones so intently, I answered him hesitantly, not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed. "I'm the new swim teacher for the kids in the village."  

Daniel's eyes widened a bit, almost as if he were... afraid. Though before I could ask him about it, Cisco spoke.

"That's so cool!" he exclaimed. "Maybe you can give me a private lesson?" he asked flirtatiously.

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