Dream Sequence

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Candy cane flowers litter the floor.

There's a face in the window,

and the key's in the door.

The dog won't stop barking.

The cat's up the wall.

The girl, front and center, isn't bothered at all.

The grass has gone violet.

The trees are too tall.

They sprout from the carpet.

Their vines scale the walls.

Her posters've turned portal.

The music gets loud.

The paper plane blasts off

It hits a cloud.

Space looks so big that she starts to get scared.

It's much higher up than she should've dared.

The plane is so small that it fits in her hand.

Makes you wonder how she rode it so far from land.

She unfolds the paper, and it's a letter from her.

It says how to fall so she doesn't get hurt.

She lands on her feet and thinks 'My god, it worked!'

The alarm on her bedside lets out a whirr.

She forgot to unset it, she's successfully irked.

She flicked the switch before the music could play.

And hopes for another dream, before she starts the day.

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