Need Someone

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The next day, when you woke up, it was another beautiful day. You woke up really early, and the sun was just rising. As the sunlight slowly lit your room up, the warm colors that started to spread around the whole room made you feel happy and warm inside. You wished you could wake up like this every morning... sadly though, you usually wake up in the afternoon.

So you got out of bed, and went to get ready.

(time skip)

You decided to wear a loose blue t-shirt with khaki shorts, and headed down stairs. As soon as you got down stairs the doorbell rang.

Hmm? Who could that be?

You went to the door and peaked through the peep hole. Standing at your doorway was that Italian guy from yesterday.

Oh god... Okay (Y/N)... just back up quietly, and make sure he doesn't hear you...

"(Y/N)~! Buongirono~!"

Just stay quiet... don't answer...

"(Y/N) can you please open the door? I saw you come downstairs through the peep hole."

What the fuck... Just my luck isn't it?...

You opened the door to the smiling Italian.

"What do you want?"

"I want to spend today with you!"

"Well I want to spend my day alone. Can you go bother someone else but me?"

"I'm not bothering anyone bella~!"

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a bella, nor your bella!"

"You're so negative about yourself (Y/N)."

"So what if I am negative about myself? It's not like it's gonna hurt me."

"You don't see that, but it is bella."

"Stop calling me bella. Stop following me. Stop talking to me. And stop with everything! People are gonna think we're dating. I don't need that right now!"


"Stop! Argh! Great my morning is ruined..." You put on your sneakers, and slammed the door behind you. "Excuse me, but I need to go for a morning jog..."

And you started sprinting away from him and your house.

God just leave me alone you freak!

As soon as you sprinted away, Romeo got a little worried, and followed you, despite what you said to him.

You ran to the park, to the beach, through the city, next to park rivers and hills. You ran. And you didn't stop. You ran until 3 o'clock. Out of breath you sat down under a tree. You were running all day to get a thought, a question, out of your head. "Why can't that guy leave me alone like the other guys?..."

You closed your eyes. Trying to control your breathing, and to bring back your heart rate. As soon as you got back to your normal pace, you slowly opened your eyes. And in front of your face you saw a water bottle.


You looked who was holding the water bottle, and it was Romeo holding it for you.

"What did I say this morning? Didn't you hear?"

"I heard, bella. But something was wrong, so I came along. And when you sat down, I went ahead and bought this for you."

You were really thirsty from all that running. But you didn't want to take the drink he bought for you. But you also didn't want to be mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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