La audicion

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Las mane 6 llegaron "Audition Dream".Entraron y se sentaron haber a Rainbow.
Jurado 1 :Empienza con la cancion.
Jurado 2:Asi es,senorita Dash.
Rainbow Dashie:Ok
Y asi empezo a cantar la cancion:"Shower". Y aqui esta la letra.......
All I know is there's something about ya'
Got me feeling like. I can't be without ya'. Anytime someone mentions ya name.
I be feeling as if i'm around ya'
Ain't no words to describe you baby
All I know is that you take me high
Can you tell that ya' drive me crazy?
Cause I can't get you outta my mind
Think of ya' when.I am going to bed
When I Wake up,think of you again
You are my homie,lover,and friend
Exactly why...
You light me up inside,Like the 4th of July
Whenever you're aurond,
I always seem to smile
And people ask me how,
well you're the reason why I'm,dancing in the mirror,
and singing in the shower
La da de,La da da,La da daaa.
Singing in the shower......
Asi a los dos 2 min,acabo la cancion.
Jurado 1:"Muy bien usted ha sido aprobada".
Jurado 2:"Bienvenida Ilution Dream"
Rainbow:"Muchas gracias"
Sunset shimer:Que bien Dash.
Pinki:"Buena esa"
Fluttershy:"¿Por que vas a dedicarte al canto?"
Que le dira Rainbow a Fluttershy....., me vale una verga,sino les gusto.

Asi ,a los 2 min,acabo la

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