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                 TESS' POV:
    When I get to my English class I realize I'm the last one there and the only seat that is available is the one next to the boy I bumped into this morning. I look at him and he is giving me a death glare. Mood swings much. He must be pregnant.
       I go take the seat next to him and he looks away from me. Mrs. Mundar is just telling us all the rules and crap that no one cares about. I take out my earbuds making sure to look at her every once in a while so she doesn't get too suspicious.
        She caught me three or four times but really doesn't seem to care. The bell finally rings and my next three classes go by really fast. I go to lunch and get my food. I sit at a table near the back and look for the blue eyed boy who's name I never caught. I see him with Scott, the school jock. He's sitting with the popular football players and their girlfriends.
       He catches my eye and we just kinda stare at each other for a while. He breaks it and turns to his friends and asks them something. They tell him something that makes him look disappointed.
       Then a girl comes up to my table.
      "Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if I could sit here," she says. She has black hair and blue eyes. I just nod and she smiles and sits across from me.
        "I'm Rose," she says while holding her hand out for me to shake.
        "Tess," I say while shaking her hand. The blue eyed boys stands up from his table and walks up to us.
        "Hey Rose, mind introducing me to your friend?" He asks while looking at me the whole time.
        "Oh this is Tess, Tess this is my idiot twin brother Jared," she says. I laugh a little bit and shake Jared's hand. When I do I feel a jolt of electricity go down my arm. I know that sounds really cliche.
        "Well I'll talk to you later Tess, see you at home Rose," he says. I smile and nod.
        "He totally has a crush on you," she says. I laugh.
        "Ok, 1. No one can or will EVER have a crush on me, especially a hot guy like that" I blush when I realize what I just said but continue anyways," 2. We just barely learned each other's names," I say matter of factly.
         She smiles and rolls her eyes.
         "Whatever, wanna hang out after school?" She asks me. I pretend to think for a little bit.
          "Eh, why the hell not, I've got nothing better to do," I tell her. She smiles and laughs. I do the same. I've never felt so happy In a really long time. It feels good to finally have a friend since the only friend I ever had was Tilly and she left me for the 'popular' group. There's a difference between the 'popular' group and the football players. The football players are actually popular, where the 'popular' group is just a bunch of wannabes.
        Me and Rose get up and throw our trash and head to class which we have together.

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