First Fight

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Lessons at Kombat Academy were...odd. They consisted of fighting, the academic stuff, weaponry and self-discovery. The first fights in that lesson for the Kid Kombatants were Cassie Cage vs Kung Jin, Jacqui Briggs vs Scorpaleena (A/N: Scorpion's and Mileena's daughter) and Takeda just had to watch on the sidelines, taking notes.
Cassie got the first hit in, pinning Jin to the ground and punching him across the face. Blood trickled from his mouth, and he lifted himself up. He shot an arrow, and grinned at Cassie's wince. This went on for a while, until Cassie decided to do her X-Ray. She throw fire at Jin's eyes and punched his groin. "Argh!" He yelled. Then she used two pistols to crush in his skull and then she shot his eyes. Kung Jin collapsed on the floor, exhausted. They weren't allowed to do fatalities, so Cassie just took a selfie with his tired out and beaten body. Obnoxiously she popped her gum right in his ear. To Jin's happiness, this resulted in the gum being forced away from Cassie and her bag being searched. Three packs gone. At least she had one more in her bra. "You just got caged." She whispered to her friend as they sat down.
As Jacqui clambered onto the arena, Takeda yelled out "Go Jacqui! Whoop!" The teacher, Mr Hasashi, shot him a scowl, and the pair turned red as the blood stains on the arena floor. Jacqui couldn't help but notice the supportive smile Mr Hasashi gave his daughter, which annoyed her, because she hated favouritism. Cassie and Jin always seemed to get her and Takeda, the quieter two in the group, in some means of trouble. Jacqui didn't love them any less, however. Scorpaleena was the spitting image of her mother: silky black hair, the sickingly pink outfit, and particularly the Tarkaraten (A/N: Is that how you spell it?) teeth. As they got in to their fighting stances, the whistle blew, sounding the beginning of the fight. Immediately, Scorpaleena ran at Jacqui and threw her fire Sai at her. Jacqui blocked it with the metallic arm guards she wore, sending the Sai tumbling to the ground. Adrenalin rushing, Jacqui electrocuted her oppenant and then pounced, hitting and cutting Scorpaleena many times. Scorpaleena flailed her arms and legs about, screeching. Mr Hasashi looked infuriated that his daughter was being defeated, but the look changed when Scorpaleena threw Jacqui off and tore at the flesh of her upper arm. "Eugh!" Jacqui yelled, holding back curses. Jacqui kicked her back down and stamped on her skull. Scorpaleena did not get up again. Mr Hasashi gave Jacqui a dirty look. She was on his bad side.
As the four walked through the packed corridor, Cassie teases Jin. "What did I destroy? Huh?" She pointed at Jin's crotch. "Deez nuts! LOL!" Takeda sighed and rubbed his head. "Are you okay?" Jacqui asked. "Oh. Yeah, I'm alright, you know, just hoping they'll shut up soon." Jacqui grinned. "Hopefully." She replied. Takeda smiled back. "What you two smiling for?" Jin asked, spinning around to look at them. That made them smile even more. "Yay, they shut up." She whispered, and they both started laughing. "What's so funny? Did you finally confess, Jacqui?" Cassie inputted, resulting in a glare from Jacqui. "Confess what?" Takeda asked. "They're so dumb." Jin said, rolling his eyes. "Want a gold star, Sherlock?" Cassie mocked. Jin rolled his eyes again. "You roll them one-" He rolled them again. Cassie grinned and pressed her fingers into his eye sockets. Sticking out her tongue, she turned her head and continued walking. Jin rubbed his eyes and found the nerval spot in Cassie's neck, causing to squirm and giggle. She kicked his privates again. "Nut shot!" She yelled, and everyone in the corridors spun to look at them. Jacqui and Takeda looked at eachother, nodded, and ran past their two friends. Jin flushed, and Cassie smirked. Pissed off at eachother always, they walked off.

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