Recognition filled his eyes and he nodded. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure they're not going to come get you. Plus, we won't let them." He winked at me as he spoke, hoping to lighten my mood.

"In our dreams its not just me in the room. I don't care if they take me, Minho. Newt was on the table next to me."

I saw something flicker across his features but he concealed it quickly. "Alright. Let's go."

I nodded and followed him through the maze. We were on one of the regular paths when Minho suddenly stopped. "What's going on?" I asked, looking up at him.

"That wall shouldn't be there." He looked around with a frown on his face then continued running. "It's getting dark we have to get back."

"We're fine, right?"

He glanced back at me and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure we can just go around here and be good."

We ran in silence a little bit until he stopped again. We reached another dead end. He looked at me with worry on his face but turned back around quickly. "This way." He called before he started running once more.

The knot in my stomach grew and I knew by this point everyone was standing in front of the doors. And Newt was probably worried sick.

We rounded another corner and came to another dead end. "Shuck." He muttered, looking around.

I placed my hand lightly on his arm trying to calm him down. "Get your bearings before we sprint off in the wrong direction again." I told him calmly.

That's right, calm him down so he can get you back.

I startled slightly when the voice popped into my head. I hadn't heard it since the incident with Ben.

He looked at me and nodded then started retracing the map of the maze in his head. His eyes popped open and he sprinted towards a wall to our left. I followed and when we rounded the corner there was a familiar hall. I saw Minho breathe out a breath of relief. "Let's not mention that to Newt."

I smiled, yeah that wouldn't be good. "No worries there."

We rounded the corner to see the doors starting to close and both of us picked up our speed, making it inside in just the knick of time.

"Cutting it a little close there aren't you?" Newt spat at Minho. He wrapped his arms around me and I nearly collapsed into them.

"We're fine." Minho replied with a roll of his eyes. Alby caught up with him and Minho glanced at me before they disappeared from my line of sight.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked, pulling my face to look at his.

"Yes, I'm fine." I grabbed his hands and smiled up at him. "Newt, really, I'm okay."

He nodded and we started walking to the kitchen. I could see the boys around us smiling at me and several of them even said good job or patted me on the shoulder.

"Hey, she bean!" Fry Pan winked at me as he slid me my bowl of food. "Why were you guys late?" Newt asked the second we sat down.

"The maze moved." I shrugged nonchalantly trying to convey that we were fine and nothing else happened. My heart pounded in my chest and the fear of getting locked outside of the walls lingered but I couldn't let him know that.

Newt scrunched his face a bit but waved it off. "Alright. Well, they're wanting you to go out with him the next few days too. You okay with that?"

My eyes met his. "Are you okay with that?"

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now