So there is a new girl..?

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Tamaki's POV

"ugghhhh..." I groaned, rubbing my eyes."Good morning sun," I sighed, looking at the curtains where the sun shone through my bedroom window. 

"A new day, time to get up and get ready." I smiled, excited to see the new girl, ah what was her name..? oh, yes Haruhi, she is really cute, so I better impress her, I thought, as I pulled out a plain blue striped shirt and some khaki's. I then hurried down the stairs, grabbing a slices of toast with jam from the counter my mother had made apparently, walked out to my car, and drove to the academy. 

"I have a feeling that today is going to be interesting," I thought as I pulled up to the school.

Haruhi's POV 

"Hey!" I shouted, waving to Hikaru and Kaoru. They turned around and saw me, waving back. 

"We'll see you in first period Haruhi!" Hikaru shouted, everyone outside the doors kinda glancing and giggling.


 "Great, first day here and now I've already made a fool of my self," I sighed to myself as I pulled my books out of my locker for history. I turned around and saw that Tamaki's locker is right across from mine. "Perfect", I smiled to myself as I saw him walk up and unlock it, I walked up to him.

"Hey, Tamaki, whats up?" I smiled. He looked at me with his sparkling purple eyes.

"Hey, Haruhi, nothing much, just getting ready for History first hour." I almost died. 

"Really!?, I have History first hour too!" I beamed at him way too happily. He looked at me and smiled, setting a hand on my shoulder. Okay, now I was going to faint.

"Awesome, lets head there together." he smiled. We headed to class and sat by each other in the back, where Hikaru and Kaoru then approached us.

" Hey, looks like our little Tamaki has a crush on Haruhi," Hikaru snickered, along with Kaoru. Tamaki turned Tomato red, in which I blushed along as well, because I really liked him, but was sure he didnt like me back. 

"N-no I don't!," he protested, becoming flustered. 

"Its okay Tamaki, they were just joking," I laughed it off. 

"Ya boss, just a little fun, ya know," Kaoru smiled devilishly." I could see something in Tamaki's expression that maybe what Hikaru said might be true.

Unknown person POV

"Ugh, you see that Akane?" I asked my friend, she nodded.

"Uh, it looks like Tamaki is hanging out with the new girl, I think her name is Haru something or other."

"Tamaki is mine, or at least he will be soon once I force him to go with me to the host club dance as his official girlfriend," I smiled, already imaginging a plan in my head.

"Uh, Suki, I dont think thats a good idea, looks like Tamaki is really enjoying himself with her", Akane said to me, but I was already lost in my own thoughts.

"So, there is a new girl..? we'll see about that.."

(( A/N: hey guys, I will now be posting her on a schedule, and try to keep up with it as much as I can, I actually got the name Akane from the manga "Ranma 1/2" let me know if you've read or watched it, and if you know anywhere I can watch the episodes for free or can get dvds of it XD 

Also, the name Suki means "eagle-eyed" so that might give some hints as to what this mysterious characters roll in the story is *wink wink* LOLZ

Well, that's it for now, don't forget to share,like and vote also tap that like button!" Bye my Lovely Dovelys! 

~Avanna (^_^)

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