"Henry" she shouted but they both were out of her sight now. She ran downstairs and saw Mrs. Lucy standing in her living room.

"Alice? are you Okay? How did he enter here. I told him you don't want to meet anyone." She looked worried.

Alice looked out of the window and saw them running towards the car. She wanted to talk to him and ask questions but they both were in a hurry.

"breaking news" the news caster spoke.

They both turned and saw the news.

Henry was on the tv.

"Omg Henry? Why is he on the tv?"

"You know him?"

"yes he was the one who came here few minutes ago."

"But he wore a mask? Was he a criminal ?"

"Henry Richard, the son of the famous lord is accused of a crime. Reporters told that he is after the famous Aldan Executives. And reporters told he is after the owners too. Alice Phillip and Danny Wesley are in danger. They need to stay focused. Police is on its way to capture him. Last night Danny the owner of the company reported that he got information about the man who is after his company."

She saw Danny's face then. He was reporting about the incident. Why didn't he call her?

"Anyone who see this guy Henry, please give us a call. The person would be awarded with millions. This guy is really dangerous and needs to be arrested soon" they showed his picture on the screen with the number.

She stood up and ran towards her room.

The next Day; 10:30 am;

She dialed Danny's number. After few bells he picked up.

"Hello Alice? how are you my dear?"

"I am not Okay. I wonder what's going on. Henry came here last night."

"Henry? Omg are you Okay? Did that Bastard touched you or did anything wrong with you?" he became furious.

"Danny I am Okay. I am not a little baby. I can take care of myself. I saw the news. What's happening? Will you please elaborate?"

"Oh yes! You were right about Henry. That bastard was after our company. We got the proofs and information against him. I have submitted the information to the police and they are now on their way to capture him. You don't need to worry now. Everything is under control now." he spoke enthusiastically.

"Send me the details. I wanna see too."

"You don't need to Darling. The point is I really miss you. Its just been a day but it looks like a century. When are you coming back?"


"What happen? Aren't you glad we saved our company?"

"Oh no! I am really happy Danny. Thank you for looking after it and taking care of it when I was gone. This company really means a lot to me. Beth needs me here so I'll have to stay here atleast 10-15 more days. Till then look after everything and keep updating me"

"I sure will darling. Miss you. Love you "


She sat on her sofa an looked at herself in the mirror which was right in front of her.

"What's wrong with me? I should be happy my company is saved. But something is bugging me now. I cant believe that Henry's after this. He looked so loyal and devoted that day. Something is wrong in all of this. I need to find out before I lose everything."

5 minutes later:

She wore her yellow dress after taking a shower. The first thing that she did after waking up was calling Danny. She tied the belt and the bow that was on her dress and looked at herself once again. She examined her face carefully. Her eyes were filled with life and passion. But her eyes were all swollen. Last day she had cried all day . Her skin looked dry. She needed to pay attention to herself but she had no time for that.

"I look like a complete disaster. Once all of this is over I am gonna take good care of myself and spend the rest of my days in the beauty parlors." she smiled at herself and was out of her room.

After doing her breakfast she went to the nearest Library. She always liked libraries. They were always so peaceful and quite. And she loved it.

She decided to call Beth and then Krista.

She dialed Beth's number.


few minutes later:

She dialed again.


"where is this girl" she said looking at her contacts.

It was Krista's turn now.

She picked on the second bell.

"Hello Miss how are you?" she sounded relieved.

"I am not Good. Something is bothering me. And I need your help"

"Anything for you ma'am" she sounded like Beth.

"The point is I need all the information and proofs about Henry that you guys got. Can you do that?"

"Umm ! I don't have it."

"You don't have it? Are you kidding me?" she was shouting on her phone now.

"shshsh. Excuse me this is a library. If you want to scream go outside and talk outside." She was interrupted by an old woman's voice.

Apologizing She stood up and got out of the Library.

The atmosphere was perfect. The library was near the park so she decided to enter the park and talk there peacefully.

Meanwhile Krista was waiting for her to speak again.

"Yes so where were we?"

"I just told you ma'am I don't have the information with me. Danny has it."

"Okay. I wont shout again now. Please understand. Now listen carefully. I don't know why Danny hadn't given you the facts and proofs but one thing is clear something is really wrong here. I can sense it. Go find it as soon as you can. Trust me on this. I will be trusting you too here. You are one of my old and close employee. Help me with this and you will be rewarded."

"I don't need any reward here Alice. I just want to save this company like you and I shall risk my life for this." she was filled with enthusiasm.

"I am giving you two days. Find it out and send it to me ASAP."

With that she said her good bye and started walking towards her car.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

Chapter Nine ended :) Hope you all liked this one too <3 Feedback ;) My chapters are short though ;)

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