LEMON Kim x Ron: The First Time

Start from the beginning

Kim began slowly kissing up the side of Ron's face until she got to his earlobe, and when she did, she started kissing and blowing into it. Ron's whole body started to tingle when she did this. The feeling was sort of like getting the goose bumps in the sense that it sent this kind of tingly feeling all through his body. It was a kind of feeling that made him feel lighter than air.

"Ron" she whispered in to his ear while at the same grasping his belt with both of her hands. "I need to ask you something."

Ron (as completely overcome with the situation as he was) somehow found his voice to answer her.

"Yeah?" he gasped at her.

She gripped her hands tighter around his belt and pushed the left side of her face against his so that she could talk directly into Ron's left ear:

"Do you want me?"

That question floored him. He couldn't recall ever being more turned on his life. He pushed her back away from his ear so that he could face her. He looked into her eyes and, instead of seeing the usual serene pools of green, he saw a monsoon of fire and passion building up in them. They were an emerald storm of love and ecstasy, begging him to take her. Ron stared into her eyes as he answered her:

"More than anything."

That was all she needed to hear. She slammed him into the back of the couch with such a force that his teeth knocked together. She began kissing him like an animal again, while at the same time she started to unfasten his belt. (It was the same belt, as a matter of fact, that she had bought him for their "half-a-versary" to help him with his "pants problem" and now she was trying to get both the belt and his pants off of him as quickly as she could. Can everyone say "irony?")

She worked at the belts fastener for a moment or two before she finally undid the clasp. She grabbed the end of the belt and, with one precise fluid motion, pulled it off of him and threw it to the side of the couch. Once that was accomplished she started to go to work on the buttons of his cargo pants. She pulled them off of him with the same fluid motion as the belt.

When she got to Ron's boxer shorts, however, she changed her modus operandi a little bit. She took her time in removing them, slowly bringing them down his legs. She moved with them so that by the time she had them off of his body she was off the couch and on the floor, her hands resting on his thighs.

Ron was now half-naked, his penis standing erect in complete view. It reminded Kim of a soldier at attention (it even had a cute little helmet) which only added more fuel to the fire.

Using his thighs as leverage, she used her hands to hoist her upper body up so that her face was level with Ron's navel. Once there, she began to kiss and lick the area around his stomach and waist line. She would move her tongue in concentric circles around different spots of his middle and would top off each circle with a heavy kiss.

The feeling of her lips and tongue on his bare flesh was like heaven to him. Each time lip touched flesh it sent a surge of pleasure through his body like an electrical current. His feet and knees began to quiver with ecstasy as his entire body eagerly anticipated what would happen next.

She lifted her mouth from Ron's stomach and grasped his penis in her left hand. She started to caress it gently with her fingertips from the base of the shaft to its tip. She looked up into his face, still frozen in a mask of pleasure. She then lowered her head down until it was level with his penis, and began to rotate the tip around the outline of her lips.

Once again, a wave of pleasure surged through Ron's body as she continued to use his penis as if though it were a tube of Chap Stick. He looked down into her fiery, stormy eyes and gave her a look that pleaded her to continue. She rested the tip of his penis on her chin just below the bottom of her lower lip. She looked up at him.

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