quick chat

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Hello there! My name is Cecilia and I would just like to personally thank you for actually having interest in my ideas. Well technically, your soon-to-be Wattpad bestseller or however you'd like to imagine yourself once you complete your work of literary art. 

With that being said, in this "book" you will potentially find ideas of story plots, story scenes, and maybe even character prompts and names! The purpose of this book is to give you ideas when you feel like you physically cannot think any further and get those gears in your head working. Consider me your personal literary Shia LeBouf and this is me yelling in your face to just do it, just write it

Now like I said, you are free to take any or multiple ideas and do your thang; but only under one condition, like any other inspiration, must receive credit. I mean, how else are other writers going to survive writer's block without me? I am here to help all young and adult writers and just basically if I were you, I would just refer to this book for others to discover.  

So long story short, consider me your guide (and personal Shia Lebouf) and I would like to welcome you into the world of Wattpad. 

And remember:  just do it, just write it. 

just write itWhere stories live. Discover now