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"Dammit!" You yelled.
The woman next to you smiled, a cup of tea in her hand.
"Calm down, ____. It's just a game."
She broke out laughing, almost spilling her tea.
"God you're a nerd," She said between laughs.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," you smiled as you turned off the console, tossing the gamepad next to you.
"I want food, let's go get some calamari or something," You sighed.
"Sushi," She smiled.
"Sounds good."
When you both walked out, it was sprinkling.
It was uncommon in California, but it felt nice.
The rain never felt the same to you.
"Get in the car you doof!" Bea yelled at you, laughing.
As soon and you were both inside you got right back into your thoughts.
You wondered what he was doing now a days.
Did he have a new girl?
Was he happy?
You could only hope.
Watching the small drops of rain brought back so many memories.
It always did.
You knew he loved you.
You loved him.
But you couldn't ruin his career. Never could you have.
But did you really have to leave?
The question still haunted you to this day.
"Hey, snap out of it dude. We're here," Bea snapped her fingers in front of you.
You shook your head a bit and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sorry."
You both got out and walked in, being escorted to your seats and getting your drinks ordered.
"I've always liked this place," Bea smiled, looking around the place.
There were a couple of people, a few alone and a couple.
"Yeah, it's nice," You sighed with a smile. "It's always quiet."
"Yeah," Bea chuckled.
The waitress came by and dropped of your drinks, asking for your orders.
After that was done you got your phone out.
"You okay?" Bea asked, raising an eyebrow. "You've been ignoring me a lot lately. I'm worried."
You looked up at her, yawning. "Yeah, fine." You smiled.
"Alright, whatever," Bea scoffed.
"Don't be rude," you chuckled.
"I'll try," She smiled, brushing her blonde locks off her shoulder.
You both sat in silence. It was nice. It really helped your train of thought-
"Guys please."
You almost jumped hearing the men yelling at each other and laughing loudly.
"Sorry, babe."
"It's fine."
"Shut up, Dan!"
"Sorry Suzy!"
You looked at them all, facing the entrance.
The woman was the first you saw. Suzy was it? She was shorter than the rest of them, and was wearing a pentagram shirt.
Next was the boyfriend? Husband? He stood tall next to her. What was his name? Aron? Something like that.
The other man, yelling, Ross. He was somewhat taller than Suzy and shorter than that other guy. He wore a simple hoodie and grey shirt.
Behind them was someone else. A mess of curly locks.
"Seriously this humidity is messing up my jewfro, guys." He said to his group.
"Sorry!" They moved away from the entrance to let him in. He was taller than the other guy, and really skinny. He wore a black leather jacket hoodie type thing and a black shirt.
"Um, ____," Bea snapped her fingers in front of your face, snapping you out of the trance you were in.
"Sorry, what?" You looked at her.
"Stop it dude."
"Stop what?"
"Staring at those people."
"I can't help it!" You whined.
You watched as the waitress sat the group next to your table, looking back at Bea when one of them looked at you.
"Ooh, Danny, giving that girl the eyes?" Ross said.
Bea blushed and ducked her head. He wasn't looking at you. He was making googly eyes at your roommate.
"Shut up Ross! I just really like her hair. It's nice!" Dan said.
That voice.
It sounded oddly familiar to you.
So familiar.
"What about her friend? Do you like her hair?"
"It's nice. I like her face though," Dan laughed.
It's like they didn't think you weren't listening.
But that laugh.
What was so familiar about that guy?
You looked over at him, taking in his features. A huge fluff of hair, a nice scruff. Beautiful chocolate eyes you could melt in.
His smile. Everything was all so familiar.
Was it..
Was it him?
((a/n Hey look at this! It's Trash!))

It was you.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ