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April 16th 2015

I can't believe I had been so stupid. How could I possibly forget my car keys? I was trying to remember where I had last seen them, but couldn't think properly. Images of his eyes burning with anger filled my mind.

Taking a long, shaky breath I walked up the very steps I thought I had escaped. I slowly opened the front door, I had left it unlocked anyway. I was careful not to make any loud noises as I made my way through his house which was dark and quiet.

I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the fear bubbling through my veins and my hands getting sweaty. I wiped them against my jeans before grabbing the door handle with trembling hands as I headed into the living room. The door was left open behind me, I should be out in less than five minutes. It was dark, but the light from the streets illuminates the room enough for me to search frantically.

My eyes darted around the room desperately as my mind was whirring through all the possible places those keys could be. The sound of the clock in the kitchen seemed ominously loud, like the countdown of a bomb slowly ticking down.

I moved to the couch, lifting pillows to search for the keys, trying to be both silent and quick. When I had searched the room as best I could I stopped, biting my lip nervously as I considered what I should do next.

"Looking for this?" My breath got caught in my throat, my heart jumping dangerously in my chest like a caged animal desperate to escape as his voice, low and threatening, filled the room.

I turned slowly to meet his gaze, those piercing blue eyes I used to find so beautiful now only filled me with fear, a cruel smirk was plastered on his face as he let out a low chuckle. God, I hated him so much. I hated him, and his stupid smirk. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I watched as he slowly pulled his hand out of his pocket, lifting out the very keys I was looking for. My hands were shaking uncontrollably now, my teeth almost breaking the skin as I bit down on my lip. This couldn't be happening. I was supposed to be leaving. I was supposed to be safe now.

He gave me an innocent smile, making me think of the good old days we use to share. As he approached me a shiver travelled up my spine he stopped inches away from me, he raised his hand and I flinched back reflexively. But instead of striking me, he caressed my cheek lovingly where a bruise was concealed with layers upon layers of foundation.

I let out a small breath, scared to do too much of anything. I know what he is capable of. He knows me inside and out, I'm putty in his controlling hands. With one mistake, one wrong move, I'm stuck in the hospital. He knows how to make me feel vulnerable, how to make me feel worthless; like I'm nothing.

"You seemed to be leaving in such a hurry. Don't you want to relax a little?" He whispered in my ear, the fear was paralysing. I stayed silent for fear of doing the wrong thing, I just stood there. Just stood there and let it happen.

Just stood there as his hands moved to my waist, slipping beneath the shirt I was wearing. Just stood there as he dug his fingers into the bare skin. I just stood there. I didn't make a sound; that's what he wants. He's trying to see just how far he can go before I do something in retaliation. But he already knows I won't. He kept pressing harder and harder, the skin burnt around his fingers as the pain radiated through my body. His nail curved into the already bruised and fragile skin.

I didn't know how much more I could take. After 11 months of experiencing this pain, over and over, my threshold is pretty high. But how much more? Physically, I'm stronger. Emotionally, I'm a light breeze away from falling into nothingness. What he has done to me will haunt me forever, this fear won't fade, that voice in the back of my mind will always sound like him.

"Now..." His voice, smooth as velvet but wickedly deadly, interrupted my thoughts, his face was close to mine as he leant down to meet my eyes. "Who told you, you could fucking leave?" I knew he wanted an answer, but I couldn't force the words out. Trying to escape was not a good idea, I'd never seen him quite this angry before. Never.

"ANSWER ME!" I flinched as he screamed at me, my eyes shooting up to meet his.

"N-no one," I replied weakly, my voice just above a whisper. His hands left my waist abruptly, a gasp escaping my mouth as the pressure was released, before he grabbed my wrist roughly and tugged me up the stairs.

"You know, I'm actually surprised," his voice was cold as he led me up the stairs, "that you actually tried to escape me when you knew deep down it wouldn't work." He chuckled darkly, eyes meeting mine momentarily. "And then you forget your fucking keys? How stupid can you get?" He was laughing, but he was angry. So very angry. He kicked the bedroom door shut behind me before pushing me to the wall and pinning me there with big strong arms. "Did you really think you'd get away? You? And where would you go? If you hadn't been so fucking dumb, if you had some brains and had got away who would take you? I mean really, I'm doing you a favour even being with you. You are worthless."

"I'm. I'm sorry." I gasped out, the pressure of him against me becoming painful, his grip on my wrists definitely bruising.

"Sorry isn't good enough!" He shouted, fist smashing the wall beside my face and a scream left my throat as I tried to jolt away. He moved his hands to my breasts, then briefly to my face before going back down again. His lips attacked my neck.

"Please, M-Matt, stop. Please." I pleaded, tears streaming down my face. I know what is coming. I didn't expect him to slap me, the sound echoing in the room as my cheek began to burn. He paused for a second, angry lust-filled eyes glowering at me before he returned to what he was doing.

"I stop when I want to stop. You are nothing but a plaything." He muttered against my cheek, before his hands ripped the shirt from my body.

Matt's soft snores filled the room as I lay stiffly beside him. My whole body was screaming in pain, even the smallest movements hurt, but I knew I had to get away from here. I had to try; this was my only chance. I slowly got out of bed and pulled on the first clothes I could find as quietly as possible. When I was dressed I left, not bothering to look for my car keys but instead grabbing my phone from Matt's bedside table.

My thoughts were all jumbled up, thinking clearly was a bit of a challenge. I don't know what to do next, where to go, I just know I need to get away from here. I can't live here any longer. My friends didn't know how bad it was, they knew he was my boyfriend and that he made me happy. Which wasn't true. My parents live in Dublin, staying behind when I moved to London, but I'm always welcome there.

I grabbed the small bag that I had left by the door, I didn't have time to think about where I could go. Instead I pulled out my phone, scrolling to the one contact who had an idea of the hell I'd been living in.

"Fin?" He sounded exhausted, I must have woken him it was still dark out.

"D-danny..." my voice cracked as the tears started to fall down my face as all the fear and pain came back to me. I heard Danny move through the phone.

"Finley, what's wrong?" He asked, voice full of concern.

"I need you to pick me up." I said, it was hard to get the words out through the strangled sobbing, but I knew Danny had heard me when I heard a door close on the other side of the line.

"I'm on my way."

A/N - Like I said in the description, this was originally written by dannyodonut, I've taken the story on to finish it off and have been editing it a little - so it won't be identical but very similar. I'd love to hear what you think of it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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