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the entire walk home was silent. the only sounds calum made was him flicking his lighter open, then closing it, then spinning it round in his fingers. i wanted to put headphones in and listen to music, but i left my bag in ashtons car. this walk feels more like torture. "hey," he spoke. please say something good. please. just talk to me. "pick your feet up." he spat. i didn't even realise that my feet were dragging along the floor. i thought about picking my feet up, but then if it was annoying him, he would speak to me and maybe make conversation? so i let my feet drag. "for fuck sake." he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. "do you even realise how annoying you are?"

"well, i wouldn't be so bored if you tried to hold a conversation! we've been walking for what? 40 minutes, in complete silence."

"i enjoy the silence. be quiet."

"well maybe if we drove, we'd be at my house by now." calum didn't reply to me, but i know he heard me. his breathing got heavier, and his face a little redder. maybe i crossed a line? i could tell he wanted to say something, but discomfort surrounded us and my comment just made the situation worse. "we're almost there." he growled.

"uh, thanks." i thanked calum, standing just outside my door step. he nodded before turning on his heel and walking away. "i'll see you on monday?" he didn't reply.


monday came quicker than i thought it would, and although i did appreciate my weekend of doing nothing except watching movies in my room, hiding from the icy weather outside, i did enjoy seeing holly at school. pulling into the coffee shop, i saw that calum was queuing up inside. mentally groaning, i joined the queue behind him, trying my best not to be seen by him. my plan was working, up until ashton walked behind me and called my name, causing calum to turn around and give me a dirty look. "freya?" i tried to pretend i didn't hear ashton, but he grabbed my shoulders gently and turned me around so we were face to face. "can we talk?" sighing, i nodded and allowed him to go on. "look, i'm really sorry. i wasn't thinking straight."

"no, because you were pissed." i spat, turning round again. "freya, come on. i'm sorry. let me make it up to you." he jumped in front of me and smiled hopefully, a little light in his eyes sparkling. huffing, i uncrossed my arms and pulled him into a hug. "fine, you can buy my coffee every day for a month." he hugged me tighter and span me round a little. "done deal. i'll see you at the counter!" he grinned and walked back behind the counter. after serving calum, i gave my order to ashton and he made my coffee to perfection. taking my cup, i saw a message written in scruffy handwriting. 'have an amazing day x'. it was followed by a very bad drawing of a sunshine, but the effort was still there. opening the door to feel a frosty gush of wind, i stepped down the small steps outside the coffee shop, only to slip over. "woah, careful." i felt someone's hand on my back, stopping me from falling. "close call, princess." looking up, i saw calum holding his coffee in one hand and me in the other. "uh," standing up and rearranging myself, i blushed a little. "thanks." he nodded in response and started walking away. "are you walking to school?" i called. nodding in response, i asked him "do you want a ride?"

"no thanks, i like walking."

20 minutes into english, calum finally arrived. "you're late."

"no shit." calum sat down next to me. "did you do any work over the weekend?" i asked him. "does it look like i did any work over the weekend?" sarcasm flew from his mouth. "look, i don't get what your problem is but this is a partnered project. if you don't understand what 'partner' means, i can grab you a dictionary." i retorted. "calm down, princess."

coffee / c.hNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ