Minecraft : The Arena...

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I looked up, all I could see was the mist. What had happened? Did I fall down a hole? A trap? I didn't need to know this, what I needed to know was how to get out. I checked my inventory "Hmmm" I thought, 4 dirt 7 cobblestone and... SPLASH POTIONS OF POISON?!!?!? How did they get there??

It was the night, the night of the creepers and I'm stuck down a hole! Let me count these blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

5 blocks right cobblestone come here! I began to place the cobble but as I looked up I saw 5 Players Named; Fred44, HG2_5, Zeeso8, Player and Steve22. WAIT WHAT? Player? What Player I checked my Internet full connection. Hmmm must be a name. Not what that I knew what was coming...

Later that evening a man walked into my house, he said he needed to talk to me but what about?! He said he saw me griefing but when, how? Maybe there was an imposter?! Same skin? Wait... Player was talking to me. He had a Steve skin with... GLOWING WHITE EYES. As soon as he saw me tremble, his name changed to "Herobrine"...

I woke up I had been knocked out by... By... BY HEROBRINE! I ran with all my possessions as I ran creepers, Endermen and Skeletons chased me, Was it the END? I felt a arrow in my back a heard a creeper blow up THEN.. Herobrine came he tried to kill me but I was strong I ran and jumped into a dome and quickly closed it, where was I now?..

On my screen I saw lots of GG's ( Good Game ) Then.. Starting in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO! People ran with swords and armour, I clambered up a tree a very suspicious tall one artificial maybe. I found a chest at the top it had a leather tunic and 3 raw fish and a STONE SWORD... I had seen this on YouTube it was.. SURVIVAL GAMES NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I knew I would lose there were already 2 people chasing me. I grabbed my sword and hit it hit him right in the head and he flew off the tree. Then I looked at the chat it said:

[Owner]Herobrine: Fr1ed1 YOUR DOOMED.

That's All For Now! Look out for "Minecraft 2"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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