A Warped Mind

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Kaiba had set Joey down unceremoniously on the couch after he'd suddenly fallen unconscious, dropping onto the floor. He was lying in a curled up position, softly mumbling things here and there. He was sweating slightly the last time Kaiba had checked on him. It may have been since he was in his regular long sleeved school uniform. Although, Kaiba wore his white coat, as well as long sleeved shirt, and wasn't bothered by the room temperature whatsoever. Joey was the least of his concern, so he'd gone into a separate room. The hotel space he'd rented for the next few days was large, with space for more than one person. Sitting at a table, he typed on his computer, the keys clicking softly each time he tapped them with his fingers. The tournament was going on much better currently. Hopefully, he could leave soon. Glancing out a window, he observed that it was late afternoon. The sky began to drift into a yellow-orange color, which was pleasant to look at. Staring, he lifted his hands off of the keyboard, rubbing his temples slowly before continuing on. Work could give him such a headache sometimes.

As Kaiba worked, a pair of feet slid slowly across the floor, shuffling against it. They were bare, and of a mildly pale skin tone. Joey was awake. He was still not himself; beneath the possession of the Millennium Rod. His thoughts were strange; they were a complete mess. He was partially instructed, but also moved on his own. Approaching the other male, he stopped directly behind him, leaning forward after a moment.

A pair of arms slid along Kaiba's shoulders, gliding down his chest and settling at the base of his stomach. Kaiba made a face, pausing. Clearing his throat, he glared forward. "Wheeler, what are you doing? I'd appreciate my space." The words were stated with a low tone, that obviously didn't have a lot of patience. Joey buried his face in the crook of the other's neck, closing his eyes. "Kaiba. . .I need you. . ." He muttered softly, sliding his fingers along the cloth and skin which his hands rested on.

Kaiba froze, taking a slow breath. In his perspective, it seemed as though Joey was intoxicated; he'd fallen over and passed out, and was now saying something suggestive. Not to mention, acting oddly. Shaking his head, much as the situation made his heart pound, Kaiba continued what he'd been doing previously. "You should go lie back down. I'll call someone to get you once I'm finished." The blonde boy shook his head. Pulling one arm back, he slid it onto the blue cloth of his pants, rubbing at his crotch tentively. Moaning softly and releasing a heated breath onto Kaiba's neck, he teased himself.

"Kaiba, treat me like a dog. . ." He whispered softly, biting his lower lip. That had certainly been enough. Against his better judgement, Kaiba rose from his chair, causing the other to let go of him and stand up a little straighter, removing his hand from himself. Turning around quickly, Kaiba caught ahold of both of Joey's arms, shoving his back into a wall that had been behind him. The both of them breathed heavily; Kaiba wouldn't admit, but, the way he'd been spoken to had made his blood rush.

The smaller male's cheeks were flushed a soft, rosy red; he wiggled his arms around a bit, no longer wishing to just be trapped in place and wanting to be with Kaiba. The blue eyes aligned with Joey's mildly lifeless looking honey toned eyes, stopping there. Though Joey seemed to be intoxicated, it was disregarded at this point. Kaiba passionately kissed Joey, who, in response, kissed him back, running his tongue along Kaiba's lower lip. Being allowed entrance, the two male's tongues tangled together. Although, Kaiba decided to assert his dominance. Putting both of Joey's arms together, and using one hand to keep them up, he ran his other hand across the male's body. Rubbing along everything slowly and exploring the shape, he could feel the toned stomach beneath his hand. Joey groaned softly, bucking his hips forward, pleading at the other. Releasing Joey momentarily, Kaiba removed the clothing on the blonde's upper body in an instant, tossing it to the floor and leaving his chest bare. He shrugged off his coat, although, left his shirt on. Wrapping his arms around the other, he brought his lips to Joey's pulse on his neck, kissing and sucking the skin.

The stimulation made a surprised, soft moan escape Joey. Grinning, the brunette moved down to his chest, making the male mewl and bring his hands into the brown hair, tangling his fingers within it. Panting and making soft noises, Joey trembled as Kaiba nipped and kissed whatever he could get at, leaving quite a few marks in his wake.

A much louder moan came out, the blonde clamping his eyes shut and tilting his head backward. Chuckling, Kaiba pulled away, leaving Joey to press his hands against the wall. Opening his eyes, he whined softly when he saw Kaiba smoothing his hair back down, and sorting himself out.

"I'd really love to continue, but, there's something going on in your head, Wheeler. Lie down, and sleep it off."

Much as he protested, Joey eventually settled back down, falling asleep under a blanket on the couch, clinging it close to himself. Darkness fell, the lights of the city flashing in a bright array.

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