"She sounds like someone I used to know," I said. "She moved away to England when we were around five."

"Oh, cool," he said. "So, what have you got first?"


"Me too! Come on!"

As I moved around the school, I tried to ignore the many gazes of intrigue I was receiving; I always hated the lime-light. I was thankful for Eric to accompany me to the English classroom. I sat next to a girl named Angela Webber who was really smart and also really nice. Fortunately, I didn't need to introduce myself to the class.

In Spanish I did, however, and it was the most embarressing thing ever. I made a friend in there as well named Jessica, who was probably the most inane chattterbox I had ever met since Rigan left for England.

Her full name was Morrigan Alexa Wilson. She had been adopted at birth but then her parents decided to move her to England because their job required them to go to Europe but they could not take her along with them; staying with me was apparently out of the question, even though we had been practically sisters. Rigan had mischievious jade irises, milk chocolate curls that full to her shoulders and a symmetrical face.

At Gym, I was still thinking about her. Kind of stupid seeing as a) I was a klutz and couldn't do sport and b) because I hit the ball onto the head of a basketballer who was OK looking.

"Sorry!" I said. "I'm so sorry. I told them not to let me play."

"Hey, no, it's OK," he reassured, smiling at me. "I'm Mike."

"Bella," I said.

Jessica jogged over to us.  

Mike didn't seem to see her.

"You're from Arizona, right?" Jessica said. "Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be really tanned?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "Maybe that's why they kicked me out."

Mike and Jessica started to laugh. 

"Good one!" Mike told me.

"Yeah!" Jessica agreed.

I smiled weakly. I was thankful though that they came with me to the cafeteria, followed by Angela Webber and Eric. Mike even pulled my chair out for me, which was when he and Eric started to throw snarky remarks at each other.

"You're the shiny new toy, Bella," Jessica said, giggling.

I smiled weakly.

Just then, the door to the cafeteria opened again. In stepped a supermodelesque girl with blonde hair hand in hand with a very brawly black haired boy with a permanent smirk on his face. They were followed by a pixie-like girl with her hair spiked at the ends and a honey haired guy who looked slightly uneasy.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"The Cullens," Angela answered. "They moved down here from Alaska a couple of months back. They are Dr. and Mrs Cullen's foster kids."

"The blonde girl's Rosalie," Jessica added. "She's with the dark haired guy named Emmett; you know, they're a thing. I'm not even sure if that is legal."

"Jess, they aren't actually related," Angela pointed out.

"Yes, but they live together. It's weird. Okay; the smaller girl is Alice and she's with Jasper, the guy who looks like he's in eternal pain. And the guy with bronze hair who just walked in is Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous but apparently no one here is good enough for him." Jessica laughed. "Like I care, but seriously, don't waste your time."

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