Between You and Him

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(This one makes me and Kelly both tear up.)

Remember When - Chris Wallace

Come On get Higher - Matt Nathanson

In the past, you knew Liam Payne quite well.. Er, more than well. You were his first love and he was yours. At age eight, you met in school and from then on you remained friends. As mere sophomores, he had professed his love for you and you began to date.

One day, there was a party and you went together, and you were the only one to drink because you knew of Liam's kidney issue. You got totally sh*tfaced and were all over him, begging him to take you, but, him being the nice guy he is, didn't take advantage of you.

*Flash back*

"(Your Name), this is the alcohol talking. You're not being serious," he says in a calm tone.

"No, no.. I'm very serious Liam," you smirk and go in for a kiss, but he dodges.

"I care about you, (Your Name). This isn't you, maybe when you're clear headed you can ask again," he says.

"C'mon Liam, I know you want toooooo!" You continue.

"And who wouldn't. Look, (Your Name), lets go home. You need to rest." he stands, easing you up.

"N-" you begin to topple over, but Liam catches you. "Okay," you agree, hanging on him.

You get home and Liam stays, knowing your parents are out. You rush to the bathroom and puke up your poison, Liam follows and rubs your back while holding your hair up. You're ever so grateful now. Your legs wobble as you try to stand, so Liam picks you up and carries you to your room.

"Thank you Liam, do you think you can get me my toothbrush?" You ask. He gives you his adorable, 'Liam knows all'/

unintended sexual face and retrieves your toothbrush. You brush your teeth and then spit into the cup Liam also brought with him. "Thank you so much," you say, cuddling into your bed.

"No problem." He kisses your cheek and turns out the light as he heads toward the door.


"Hm?" He turns to face you.

"You don't mind staying do you?" You ask quietly. "I, I like having you around, as you well know, especially when I'm feeling like poop."

"Sure, I don't mind," he replies and walks to your bed, slipping off his shoes and under the covers.

"I can't thank you enough, Liam," you say softly, snuggling up to him, your face in his neck. He wraps his arms around you, stroking your hair and rubbing your back. "I..." You think twice. "Goodnight Liam."

"Goodnight (Your name)." He kisses your temple before you fall captive to sleep.

All night that night you dream of how you're sure about Liam. You're completely and utterly sure you want him to take you, and you're sure he's the one. Why not? You've been together for years already.

"Liam," you nudge him when you wake up. "LIAMMMMM!!!" You shoot up, and start jumping up and down. "LIAM LIAM LIAM!!!! LEAAHHHHHAAAAAMM!!!" The last time you say 'Liam' you say it weird.

"(Your Name), (Your Name), (YOURNAME)!!" He finally awakens.

"You're up! I've been thinking, I wasn't lying last night. I want you to take me... And you did say ask you tomorrow," you point at the clock. "It's tomorrow." you smile.

"(Your Name) seriously?" he looks into your pleading eyes.

"Seriously," you say with an ever-so-serious face.

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