Chapter 1:Fresh Starts

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Brie Pov: It has been two years since me and Randy broke up. I have a brand new life with the man of my dreams. Am finally happy and my life is perfect. I and Nikki are dominating the Divas Division whether we are staring at Total Divas, rocking red carpets or wrestling on Raw and Smackdown. My little lumberjack Daniel Bryan popular as ever. His YES movement dominates Raw and Smackdown. "Josie come here to mummy!" "No Josie come here to daddy!" "No Josie come here to aunty Cocco!" Josie is adorable she is like mine and Daniel's child. Josie runs to me and licks my face. "Who is a good girl?!" Daniel laughs at this, he wraps his arms around me. He turns and looks at me, "I love you, Brie!" I smile and reply "I love you too!" Our lips smash together. I am the happiest I have ever been.

Randy Pov: After Brie left me my life was pretty ugly. I would get drunk most of the night and sleep with random chicks and think about Brie. What was she doing?! Playing happy family with that stupid goat face. I would check her twitter and Instagram profile. I missed her, I do miss her still but I had to move on right?! I went to rehab to get myself clean up, I have been sober for twelve months. I don't miss the taste of alcohol but it would make the heartache go away. I live Tampa Florida in a beach house am single ready to mingle. I can't ever find someone like Brie. She was irreplaceable but she replaced me. It still stings me, I may be The Viper but I still have feelings. Right now in my house eating food, I still have a photo frame of us. We were so happy but it was a lie, I sigh as I put it back down. I try to hold back tears when I look at this photo. I miss Brie Bella maybe I can't get a fresh start without forgetting her. I look out my window at nighttime and daytime. I wonder what she does. What she wears?' What does she think about it? I miss Brie Bella but she finally decided to walk away and have a fresh start. Sometimes I would call her and I would hold back tears when I hear her voice. So innocent and sweet but I broke her. She walked away and started a fresh new life. Maybe it is time for my fresh start.

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