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      ALESSANDRA paces around her room while heaving a sigh of frustration in the process. This whole week has been stressful-and not just for her. why am I nervous?  It was as if her senses have became dysfunctional, a cold-bitter sickening feeling of bile crawling its way up to the back of her throat. I shouldn't be nervous-c'mon Alessandra its just a represent!  A knock on the door startles Alice from her concentration, on what she may never know. Her mind starts to figure out multiple scenarios of what it may possibly be-or even worse, who. Calm down what if its just the pizza guy? you idiot I didn't order pizza! Or did I? What if its just the neighbors? What if its some assassin coming in to ruin my not-so interesting life?! 

What if its them? Oh no it cannot possibly be time already! Clearly her cluttered mind filled with impossible thoughts has come to a halt. Being cautious, she cracks the door open to a minimum. "So are you going to let me in or what?" standing outside was her friend-no her best friend, her should be brother figure but instead is replaced with blooming affection towards- "hello? earth to Alice" Shit, this is much worse. "And here I thought you were going to leave me here hanging doll, my-" and his sentence couldn't have been finished for he had too much to take in front of him. She was mesmerizing, stunning, and clearly held the center of his attention. He didn't even have to say it. She looked beautiful. 

Frozen in time, Alice is the first to drop the everlasting gaze. A hotness spreads to her cheeks, as the corners of her lips curves upwards, forming a smile. All of her thoughts formal thoughts have been washed away, and replaced with a familiar pair of blue eyes that she can gaze into all day. Unfortunately for her, she knew that he wouldn't do the same. Before her now forming frown could be visible, she steps aside, letting him make his way into her room. 

"Y-You look beautiful" Thomas stutters, still taken aback from the sight of Alice. And that was just some of the many things he loved about her. "thanks J" Alice says. She knew that this little crush she had would have to fade away sooner or later. It would be for the best, for the best of both of them he deserves to know 

"Does my hair look ok? should I let it down? perhaps I need to fix my makeup, you have a steadier hand than me J" its been a discovered talent she found in him long ago, where they both realized that Thomas was really good at doing makeup. Ever since then he would always do her makeup, wondering why she even needed it. "Alice you look absolutely gorgeous just the way you are, besides were going to be late if we don't rush it" he holds out his which she accepts. Breathe girl, you can do this-damn I shouldn't be wearing these heals I'm such a klutz!  But all these thoughts subside once again when she remembers that Thomas is there, steading her. 

"We could've thrown a lit ass party but somebody didn't want us too" he chuckles softly in her ear, referring to her birthday last week. "You know about my anxiety J I really don't like these huge parties, especially when I would've been in the center of it" Thomas nods in understandment, not pushing the subject any further. He would never do anything to hurt Alice or trigger her anxiety. "but that doesn't stop me from getting you anything" he chimes on, pulling out a red velvet box. He motions for her to open it. With steady fingers she does, revealing a golden locket. inside, a picture of her and him not too long ago, asleep in each others arms. "Dougie took that one. Do you like it?" Alice was in shock, in tears almost and before she knew it, she was in the arms of her best friend. 

"I love it," she croaks out, tears of happiness welling in her eyes, "how did you afford this?" however as soon as she said it she regretted it as soon as she felt his body tense against hers, and she knew that wherever he got the money wasn't a subject that he was proud to share. "don't worry about it" he whispers against her neck, taking in her scent, she does the same, relieved of the familiar smell of cinnamon instead of the horrible reek of cocaine and weed. "ok," Thomas sighs, both pulling away after their long embrace, "now were really going to be late" smiling, hand in hand they both walk out, preparing for what lays beyond them.              


edited / revised 6/13/16

happy birthday to Chris Evans !!

- Jenn

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