Chapter One

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Seamus' P.O.V.

I happily got of the train and said goodbye to my best friend, Dean Thomas.  I went to look for me mum, who said was coming to pick me up for the holidays.  I looked around sadly at all the happy families, like Dean's, all going to spend the holidays together.  I sighed thinking about my horrible father, who left my mother all alone to take care of me.  He never wanted a child in the first place.

I saw my mother and smiled.  She smiled back.  Since my father had left, we were always really close.  She was a witch, and a pretty good one at that.  My father was a just a muggle, and he left as soon as he found out she was a 'freak'.  He was scared that his son was going to be a 'freak' too, just like Seamus' mother, so he just left.  

We apparated straight home, since we lived in Ireland.  The house had a light on inside.  I threw a questioning look at my mother.  

"I'm pretty sure i turned off all the lights...." she said slowly.  My mother had placed a charm on our house so we couldn't apparate straight inside (just like hogwarts), so we had to walk up the stairs to the front door.  Then I saw that the door had been forced open.  Honestly, I was scared.

I took my wand out and stepped inside before my mother could stop me.  Big, strong hands grabbed me and i dropped my wand.  He didn't notice and began to check for it.  Thats when I saw my mother staring up at him in horror, to scared to get her wand out and help me.  I realized this must be my father.

I could see how, a tiny bit.  We had the same hair and the same eyes.  But he was bulkier and stronger, so he was able to throw me to the ground.

Then he started beating me.

Hard.  It was complete torture on my body.  I tried to reach for my wand, but I was dizzy.  I couldn't see straight.  All I could feel was pain.

It lasted for hours.  My mom couldn't stop it, I knew that.  He finally left, after saying to my mother:

"That's what happens when a man's only son is a freak because of the mother."

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