1# - Backpacker Girl

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Chapter one, Backpacker Girl:

The road was empty and there I was, trapped in the middle of no where, in the United States. I've lost track of the card when the wind blew away my only chance of orientation, great. I see planes go up the sky and a few planes land again, so I can't be that far away from a City, can I?

I grab my last water bottle and take a big sip out of it. We have around 86 degrees (F°) outside and I couldn't be more exhausted then I am now. I place my hand over my brow, trying to focus on something that is coming my way. It was a car, a black Audi. "Oh my god, finally.", I jump up from the dirty street and flung my backpack over my shoulders before holding up my thumb. "Come on.", I nervously lean forth and back on my tiptoes and back on my heel, realizing the car didn't slow down.

All I received before this asshole drove off was a middle finger and loud laughter. "This is bullshit.", I whine before continuing to walk down the street. Trees to my left and right, they lined the cement road. "How in the world did I even get here?", the voice inside my head stepped forward. Exhausted, I roll my eyes and continue to walk.

After what felt like forever, I reached it. I was right, I wasn't that far away from a City or a town. I've reached the Airport of.. "Los Angeles?", I wonder out loud. "Wow, I thought I was near Texas, this is amazing!", I slide my chucks over the floor as I lightly tug on my bright red hair that was up in a ponytail.

Over the years I've changed alot, I've dyed my hair red and have gotten a few piercings and... well, I've become a backpacker.

I walk into the airport, trying to search for a cool spot to sit for a while. "Oh my god, a bench.", a bright smile crawled onto my face as I let myself fall onto the bench. My feet were aching, I've been awake for the past three days, walking the whole time to find the nearest city.

Maybe here might be some sort of kiosk or something?, I begin to walk around again, feeling as my stomach clunched itself together. I've reached a small bakery and imidiently rushed inside, buying myself some small things and two bottles of water. I flop down on the small chair that was resting with another table in the corner of the bakery. I place my backpack under the chair, in between my legs as I eat my food. I twist my wrist towards me, trying to read what time it is right now. According to my watch, it's 10:15 in the morning. I jump off my seat and walk over to the nice bakery woman.

"Excuse me, may I get a coffee as well?", I ask and rub my eyes tired. "Of course, honey. I'll bring it to you.", the woman send me a warm smile before I sat back down.

My eyes feel so heavy, I am scared I might black out any second. The food was freshly baked and delicious, by the way. The coffee arrived and I took a large sip of it, burning my mouth. I didnt mind in the second, I was just happy I had something to keep me awake.

I look around the small bakery. Next to me, to my right, on another table sat an elderly couple, slightly fighting because the man spilled some of his coffee. To my left sat a young woman, dressed like an office clerk. It seems as if she is probably on her way, with plane, to a meeting. Infront of me was .. "No..", my eyes begin to water when I see the man infront of me. "No. No. No.", I whisper to myself as I take out my wallet and place a twenty dollar bill on the table before trying to sneak out.

"(Y/n)?", the deep voice asked. "No!", I shout and try to run out but was grabbed by my arm. "My little girl.", I could firmly hear him clench his teeth. "Leave me alone!", I began to cry, probably due to my lack of sleep but I cried. "Baby, I've been searching for you everywhere.", I press my eyes shut and try to wiggle myself free. "I've been gone for two years. If you've really been searching for me then you would have called my phone atleast two times, which you didnt even do once!", I shout and realize the people in the bakery were staring. Right now, I didnt care.

"Also, you could've contacted the police, I mean two years is a fucking long time!", I managed to wiggle my arm free from him and I ran off. I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall. "I cant believe it's dad.", I cry quietly. I hear the front door to the bathroom creak open and my breathing stopped. He wouldn't follow me into the woman's bathroom, would he?

"(Y/n)?", this voice seemed familiar. "Hey kid, come out.", I was scared and I began to shake. "No.", I began to pout like a little kid. "Its me, the woman from the bakery store. The man is gone.", my head shot up from my backpack and I slowly unlocked the door, walking out with my head hanging low. "Come here.", she pulled me into her arms and hugged me tight. "Who was that man?", I begin to sobb into her shoulder, into the shoulder of a stranger.

"My father.", I whisper. "He was my father.", her hand gently caressed my back in a comforting manner until I finally had calmed. "I'll get you another coffee, my son is out there working. I'm on my break, we can talk if you want?", I gaze at her and feel tears streaming down my face. "I dont know.", I place my backpack over my shoulder. "Is he really gone?", she send me a warm smile. "I threw him out.", her hand gently took mine and she pulled me out of the bathroom. "Come on.", I follow her back into the bakery, place my backpack again unter my chair and in between my legs where I could feel it, before she came back with two coffees. "Its on the house. I've talked to Tom.", her smile was warm and friendly, just like a mother's. But what do I know, I never had a real mother.

"So you said you are a backpacker?", her gaze lingered on me. "Yes, since four years. I've been doing it alone for two though." I smile at her and take another sip of my coffee. "Where do you always stay for the night?", she cocked an eyebrow and gazed at me. "Its.. different. Sometimes at a hotel or a motel, sometimes when I'm near family or friends - there or I just sleep on the street, you know. Under bridges or on a park bank. Also, I've slept at two strangers house but... The second one was .. a bad idea. He tried to touch me and get in my pants but.. let's not talk about that.", I crack a smile at her.

"Honey.", her hand softly landed on mine. "How about you stay at our home for a few days, as long as you are in Los Angeles?", I look up from her hand and bite the inside of my check anxiously. "Im only here for a few days, I promised I would help my son a bit with the store.", she explained. - "I-I don't know. I don't want to bother you and your family...", I gaze at her name tag. "..Mrs.Fischbach."

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