Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

~Paint my spirit gold.~

The crowd in the small venue roars with applause and is chanting the band's name, Autumn Winds, as we hit the final chord. There is something extremely exhilarating about playing and getting such a great response from the audience. I'm grinning, now relieved that my first show in London is over, and thankful it wasn't a complete train wreck. I notice I'm grinning like an idiot, but don't care. I turn to my right and notice Ben is grinning also, but he isn't looking out at the audience. He's looking directly at me.

"You are amazing!" he shouts over the thunder coming from the audience members. I smile even wider, then realize I'm blushing and look down at my feet.

Once the crowd dies down, I take my bass backstage to pack it up. As I'm zipping up my case, I hear my name being called and turn around to face whoever it is.

"Lydia! That was too sweet!" says the lead singer, James.

"Thank you. I've enjoyed filling in for you guys," I respond, still grinning. My face is going to hurt tonight if I keep this up.

Among the chaos, I didn't notice Ben walking up to me until he was about two feet away. I look up at him and feel a tiny twist in my stomach. I'm not sure what it is, but I think I like it. His presence around me makes me really nervous, and I'm not sure why. It's like a bubble he carries around with him, and every time I step into that bubble, I feel completely exposed.

"Are you okay? You all of a sudden look a bit flustered," he says kindly. I'm instantly mortified. I try to cover up my nervousness and laugh it off.

"No, I'm fine," I say, yet again my cheeks turning red. "That was incredible."\

"You were incredible. We need some bassists like you here in the UK," he states simply. I'm not used to this much praise. I don't know what to say.

"Well you aren't too bad yourself," I say, immediately regretting it. Not too bad? I curse myself for not being able to come up with something better to say.

He's still smiling kindly down at me, which helps me to stop worrying just a tiny bit, and then brings on even more nervous excitement rumbling in my stomach. He steps closer to me.

"There is a party a little ways from here that we're all going to. You are welcome to come with me if you'd like."

I can't help myself. "I would love to," I say, even though I don't very much care for parties. Something about him makes it impossible to refuse the offer. I look around to see where the rest of the band has gone, but the room is now empty. The rest of Autumn Winds cleared out pretty quickly.

Then I ask, "How are we getting there? What will I do with my bass?" I look down at my huge instrument, willing it to shrink, even though I know it won't happen.

Ben chuckles, "I can drive you to your flat to drop it off, if you would like."

"Are you sure that's not a hassle?"

"It's no problem. You walked here, anyways, so you can't live too far."

And at that he leads me outside and to an old beat up silver station wagon. He opens the trunk and I stick my bass in, the scroll hitting the headrest of the passengers seat. I open the door to the passenger side and have to duck so I don't hit my head while climbing in. The station wagon smells like a mix of pine and is instantly comforting.

"I know she's not much but she does everything I need her to do," he says, laughing to himself. I chuckle, too.

"I'd kill for a car like this," I say, "I had to leave mine at home when I made the move to London."

"Where did you say you were from again?" he asks, seeming genuinely interested.

"A small town in North Carolina. It wasn't anything special. You can stop here," I say once spotting my apartment.

"I'll be waiting when you're ready," he says flashing his lovely white teeth. I smile back, get out, grab my bass, and bring it inside.

Once I am safely inside my flat I set down my bass, do a little happy dance, and try my best to hold in a squeal. This day could not have gone any better and I feel like I'm soaring way up in the clouds. I dash to the bathroom to check in the mirror quickly and put on a bit more makeup so I can make a good impression. God, Ben is attractive. I dart back down to the street as fast as I can, and Ben is standing outside of his car, waiting.

"Let's go to a party!" I say, and he chuckles softly as we get into the car.


Hello everyone. My appologies for how painfully basic this story is. This is my first fan fiction, but I had some really cool ideas! Again this takes place right before Mumford & Sons was actually formed, but the other boys are coming. Thanks for reading! I wuv you :) Comments and likes are cool ;)

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