"No, no he doesn't. It's just the same stuff day after day, not much worth smiling over."

I turned to him at his confession. "Sure there is. You're all still alive, that's worth smiling about. And you're here together."

He nodded and sent another small smile my way before standing. "I'm going to get more to drink, would you like anything?"

"No, thank you though. I'm actually thinking of turning in for the night if that's okay?"

He smiled and nodded, tightening his grip on my hand and pulling me up. I smiled lightly at him and nodded at Alby before we retreated to the darkness of the homestead. He led me up some stairs and we rounded a corner to reveal a small room with three hammocks in it.

"We don't have beds but this is the second best. You'll get used to the swaying before you know it." He smiled as he hung up a curtain to divide one hammock from the others. "As you've probably guessed this will be your hammock, Alby strung it up earlier. It's only always been us up here since there isn't much space but with you being the only girl..." He let the sentence trail.

"You guys want to keep an eye on me?" I grinned as I finished his sentence.

His cheeks reddened and he quickly finished hanging up the curtain. "Not necessarily you, just everyone else."

My turn for my cheeks to redden. "Right." I nearly whispered, looking around the space.

"They sent these clothes up for you." Newt pointed to the clothes that had been placed in my hammock. He ran his hand down the back of his neck and shrugged slightly. "If there's anything else you need feel free to ask me."

"Would it be okay for me to shower really quick?"

"Of course. They're down at the far end close to the council hall, do you remember?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome. Good night Clara."

I smiled warmly at him, the blush still in my cheeks. "Good night Newt."

I watched him walk out of our little room and grabbed the extra clothes he had left for me. Apparently all we received were clothes exactly like the ones we were sent in. I sighed, really not wanting to wear jeans to sleep in. I trudged down the steps slowly and paused when I saw a figure at the bottom of the stairs. He turned, hearing me come down and I sighed in relief at seeing Chuck.

"Hey, Chuck." I greeted the curly haired boy.

His cheeks dimpled when he smiled up at me. "Hi, Clara. I thought I could walk you to the showers to make sure you got there okay. If you don't care." He shrugged and added, "Newt told me that's where you were going."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Thanks Chuck, I appreciate that!" I started walking in the general direction Newt pointed me in with Chuck by my side.

"It's a lot better walking with you than hanging out with a bunch of drunk guys." He mumbled, his smile disappearing.

I grinned and looked down at him. "Being drunk isn't all it's cracked up to be, you aren't missing out on much."

"Why are you a girl?"

I laughed out loud at his question before trying to think of a response. "Um...well..."

"I meant why did they send you?" Chuck shook his head and sighed and I smiled down at him. "I don't know. I wish I did though. Hey, do you know if there are any extra clothes around here? I really don't want to sleep in these pants."

"Yeah, follow me!" A smile lit up his face as he guided me towards the medihut. He pulled out a long shirt and a small pair of shorts. "They always send these up so they won't care if you wear them. The shorts are all too small for us anyway."


He smiled at his accomplishment and nodded, letting me know he'd wait outside for me. I took a quick shower, letting the water wash away the pain that I woke up with. After throwing on the shirt and shorts Chuck got me I became extremely grateful for the long shirt, the shorts hardly covered anything. And then I couldn't help but wonder why they would send those if no one could even wear them. I walked out and said goodnight to Chuck and I quickly made my way back towards homestead when I saw Gally making his way towards the showers.

"Clara." He greeted in passing.

I smiled brightly at him. "Hello, Gally. Goodnight." I continued walking and paused when I noticed he had stopped.

"How are you so happy?" He asked, his eyes guarded.

"I don't have another option." I shrugged like it was the easiest answer, because it was.

His expression changed into something I couldn't quite read before he nodded, accepting my answer. "Well, goodnight." He turned and continued his trek and I did the same.

By the time I made it back to my hammock Newt was sound asleep in his. His arm was thrown over the side of the hammock and his hair was scattered all over the place. He looked so peaceful that for the first time he actually looked like the teenager he was. It was hard for me to turn my back and go about my way for some reason and I didn't notice Alby until after I dropped my clothes under my hammock. I gasped in shock and he held up his hands apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks knowing he saw me analyze Newt. "It's okay." I whispered in reply.

He grinned and glanced down at Newt before returning his unguarded eyes to mine. "He has a lot on his shoulders, always has."

I looked over at Newt and tried to keep my voice steady. It wasn't easy as my heart pounded in my chest. "I'm sure it's not easy being the ones in charge around a place like this."

He nodded and shrugged a shoulder. "It's not as hard for me as it is him. I've made it to where I've accepted everything. He takes things to heart."

I nodded in reply. "It's because he's a good person. He has a good heart. Places like these...they aren't good for people like him. Not saying that you don't but...he's different."

He watched me for a moment longer before smiling. A real smile, the first I'd seen from him. "I'm glad you're here. Your personality is going to be good for us, good for him."

I blushed and looked down at my hammock while I muttered my thank you.

"Get some sleep, Clara. Tomorrow will be a bit tougher for you since you'll be trying out for other jobs." He turned and climbed into his own hammock.

I considered pulling the curtain closed but didn't feel the need as I climbed into my hammock. Newt was right, the swaying motion would probably have kept me up had I not been able to listen to his steady breathing like a lullaby to put me to sleep.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ