33} Sweet & Bittersweet

Start from the beginning

"Then I'll fix it. The fans have always understood our choices and we've fucked up plenty of times, that didn't hurt us, right?" I say, in the most convincing tone I have.

He sighs, with no other arguments or anything, but just from the look of his face he isn't fully persuaded.

"Honestly, what harm can Jessica do?" Liam speaks up, joining my side, "I see the way Louis and Jess look at each other, and it's pure joy in their eyes. I mean, if Sophia was ever taken away from me, I'd be... devastated. Plus, Louis and Jessica have been friends since the beginning, but you guys ruined it. So, if anything, I think you owe this to Louis and bring Jessica back."

That left everyone silent, questioning they're decisions. I wanted to thank Liam so bad for what he said, but I couldn't break the eye contact I have with the the main guy. I made a mental note to thank Liam later on.

Seconds, even minutes passed before anyone said anything. They were on the edge of being convinced and I don't want them to change their mind again.

"Nothing will happen, I think you guys are just worrying too much about this little subject. And if anything does go wrong - which I highly doubt - then you can blame it on me. I've already missed four damn years with her, and I don't plan on missing anymore."

My words hung in the air and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I was just seconds away from blowing my top and argue in frustration, but dear God, I held it back. I did not want to make them aggravated at my actions again, especially in this crucial moment.

He looks up to me and all the boys before taking in a deep breath, "Okay."

Excitement rolls into my every nerve, but I try to control it and make sure I got the full answer from him. "D-Does that mean I can have Jessica again?"

He smiles, obviously noticing my sudden reaction, "Yes, you can have Jessica back."

It felt like I won the world, because I did - I won my world. I had my Jessica back. My mouth spread in the brightest smile in the room and all of my troubles were all washed away. After four years, everything has finally fallen into place.

This is one of the sweetest moments in my life and I can't wait to tell Jessica about the news. Oh, she's going to be out of this world.

But this news is way too big for a simple phone call.

What's a better way to tell someone good news by surprising them... especially in person.



This project is bittersweet.

For the past few days, I've literally been staying up since 3am to finish the sketching and mathematics for it. Not only do bags slowly form under my eyes, but this project has consumed me so much I haven't even caught up on my other work. I've been trying to keep they boys off my mind since I admittedly miss them so much, but I can't escape them. What's even worse is that I'm restricted to be friends with them, too.

The only good thing about all of this is that I get to design the one and only Car Direction. That's what I decided to name it. Not very creative, but it makes enough sense to pass. Because instead of One Direction, its Car Direction. Hope that makes sense. In the back of my mind, I can hear a crowd of people congratulating me on the awesome name. Yea.

It's going along very well and if I do say so myself, I'm pretty proud. All I want is to impress my bosses and hopefully, the boys will take appreciation on the design too.

At first I thought it was weird. I chose a career in engineering and in return, I get to design a car for One Direction as my first real job. That doesn't really happen to your normal, everyday kind of person. But then I decided to just embrace it. Because I'm gonna make this damn car fucking fabulous.

Relaxing on my couch, I grab my phone and dial Louis' number. A few rings pass and then it ends up to voicemail. I try calling him again and he doesn't answer, again.

I've been wanting to tell him about the Car Direction, but he hasn't made time for me to tell him. Only short little texts saying, sorry love out with the boys! or doing a show tonight! ill call you later :). Which he doesn't.

I can't blame him, he has a tight schedule and I have to respect that. But I miss him so much. It's like a whole in my heart has been ripped out and it refuses to heal.

Trying to take my mind off of my misery, I instinctively open my computer to finish some work. And guess who popped up on my screen? Yep, the four boys who I'm trying to get my mind off of, which only causes the emotional pain to increase.

Like I said, this project was bittersweet.


Idk how to feel about this chapter. And sorry for updating so late! I am so bad at time management. Hopefully that won't happen again :')))))

And heyyyy 5sosfam, who heard they're new album?! well, the two songs that are available at this point. BUT ITS STILL SO GOOOOD. IM SUCHA PROUD MOTHER.

anybody going to a rowyso concert this year? bc im going sep 12 and i literally cannot wait and I just wanna talk about it and stuff and fangirl through writing lol.


- Lauren :')

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