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She was a tall, slender woman with such a glow to her pale skin that she had a tint of purple. Thick, wavy black hair shadowed her face, usually covering her left eye. Violently purple eyes that glowed when she spoke to him. It was surprising, confusing, scary even that this woman standing before him now was the same woman. He couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so different from then the only things that remained of her was her purple eyes and her purple skin. It saddened him to see that neither glowed anymore, both purples darker than they used to be. His heart ached when he noticed the warm glow had been replaced with a harsh coldness. The bright, vibrant purple of her irises were now more of a black color. Her lips were now cracked and turned down, forming an irritated frown.
"What do you want?" She impatiently asked.
"Yzma... Is it really you in there?" Her scowl momentarily softened.
"Do I know you?"
"It-it's me. Coniraya."
Her eyes grew wide and she gazed at him with a mix of fear and nervousness.
"It can't be. He died long ago." She whispered, her heart breaking at the memory.
"I didn't die, Yzma. I just couldn't find you."
"But- but-"
"I know, Yzma. I couldn't believe it either. But here I am." Tears began to well in her eyes as she looked at him.
"Do you remember that time when we were 15? The waterfall? When we went swimming?"
All other emotions fled her face, tears now freely rolling down her face. She nodded and gave him a large hug.
"The day you asked me to marry you." He held her close and smiled, not caring about the few tears rolling down his own face. She snuggled into his warm embrace and cried on his shoulder.
"I've missed you so much." She whispered as she sobbed.
"I've missed you too, Yz." When she slowly pulled away from him, he noticed that her eyes had a dim glow in her eyes again. Not nearly as strong as it was long ago, but like a broken flashlight. They gazed at each other fondly.
"When have you eaten last?" He questioned, eyes full of worry. She looked down at her small figure with upmost shame.
"I-I don't know." She truly didn't know, she racked her brain but all she remembered was that it was a small bowl of rice with an apple. She stared at her feet still. Coniraya wiped Yzma's tears, tilting her head until he could look into her eyes.
"Come. I shall make your favorite." She smiled at him and she lead him to the kitchen. He quickly found all of the ingredients, though surprised they were all there. After they chopped all the vegetables and it was almost finished he told her to go sit down, that he would finish it. She smiled and went to the living room. After 10 minutes he remerged, holding two plates. They held grilled vegetables, rice, and grilled chicken. He handed her the plate and sat beside her. As she tasted the brilliant food she hadn't tasted in so long a smile appeared on her lips.
"What happened after I left?" She asked after several minutes of silence. Coniraya glared sadly at his plate as images flashed through his head. He saw flames, women crying, and men laying dead.
"We lost." He told her shortly.
"Did- did- they survive"
He shook his head, tears trailing down his cheeks.
"Only me." He recalled the screams of their village as the invaders attacked. What little hope Yzma had been clinging to since she left suddenly was snatched away from her. They were once again holding each other. He held her tight, brushing her dark hair behind her ear. Despite the sadness of the moment he noticed it was now thin and wiry. This made him even more sad as he twirled the ring that was dangling from a chain around his neck. Pulling it off, he presented it to Yzma, falling to one knee.
"Yzma, two years ago I asked you to marry me and you told me it would be your great pleasure. Now, I'm afraid our time apart may have fogged your memories, though I pray not. I pray that you remember me as I remember you. The way we laughed, playing at the waterfall, riding our horses through the fields." He pulled the ring off the chain and held it out to her.
"You are the absolute love of my life. You invade my every thought, live in my every dream, give purpose to my every breath." He paused and took a deep breath.
"I can't promise you money or a large house full of all the fantastic pleasures one could imagine. But I can promise to love and cherish you every moment of my life and every second of every day even after my body is in the ground." Coniraya gazed up at her and held his breath, waiting for her answer.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her close.
"I love you." He whispered, kissing her on the nose.
"I love you too." She responded, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She had an undeniable glow in her eyes again.They both smiled warmly at each other and began to speak in hushed voices, reminiscing on their lives together. Eventually they fell asleep together on the couch, her head on his chest.
Chapter 2-

"And the way you would sing at night to help yourself sleep. How you taught me about all of the stars, how you took so much care in not splashing my face when we played in the water, how you never forgot to wash your horse, and that gorgeous smile of yours. It lights up the whole world. And those eyes, how you would bat your thick lashes when you wanted me to do something." Yzma's eyes slowly opened to the sound of her fiancés voice.
"Good morning Angel." She sleepily looked up at him and spoke in her soft voice.
"What were you doing?"
"I was telling you everything I love about you."
"Why? I was asleep."
"I didn't want you to have nightmares." He told her, brushing her hair behind her ear.
"How long was I asleep?"
"I don't know, I woke up about two hours ago."
She smiled up at Coniraya.
"Just like old times." She recalled.
"Exactly." He helped her up and went to kitchen, reemerging twenty minutes later holding a plate with an omelet on it.
"Here, Yzma." He kissed her on the nose as he handed it to her. Coniraya never failed to shock Yzma with his affection and how good he was to her. It almost felt like old times, sitting here with the love of her life. But some sad thoughts blocked her happiness.
"What happened to Sunny?" A smile grew on his face as he grabbed her hand and lead her outside. Her heart began beating faster when they reached the door. After walking around the corner her tears started up again. She ran to the caramel colored horse and kissed its head. The horse nuzzled her and gently pushed Yzma with it's nose. Coniraya approached, riding on his own horse.
"Wanna go riding?" She nodded happily and mounted Sunny.
"Race ya!" She screamed, taking off at full speed.
The End...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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