Untitled Part 2

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This story is a second part of the first story My Made Up Story of HICCSTRID : Part One. This takes after Hiccup and Astrid met and start dating. It was always perfect in Hiccup and Astrid's relationship (HICCSTRID) until one day some strange new comers come to their island of Berk. Will Hiccup and Astrid's love survive these new comers or will a girl named Heather and a boy named Eret tear their relationship apart? What is the new comers plans? Read more to find out!

One day while Hiccup, Astrid, and their friends were flying their dragons around Berk for fun they had spotted an usual wrecked boat on their beaches shore.

They landed to find out what or who was in the boat. In the boat, Hiccup and Astrid had found Heather and Eret.

Curiose of who they are, Hiccup wakes up them up to find where they are from, what they want, ect.

When Hiccup wakes them up Heather and Eret pretend to be affraid of Hiccup, Astrid, and their friends

They stutterd a bit before saying something "Our names are Heather and Eret."

Hiccup then introduces himself, Astrid and their friends.

"Hey...um, im Hiccup. Son of the chief, Stoick the Vast and his wife, Valka haddock. This is snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who go by ruff and Tuff for short, and my girlfriend Fearless Astrid Hofferson. These are our dragons Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Stormfly, and finally Toothless."

After Heather and Eret relized who the people were (thanks to Hiccup's long introduction) they started to immediately get close and flirtatious with Hiccup and Astrid.

When Heather or Eret would try to flirt with either Hiccup or Astrid they just ignore them and focuse on who the other stranger was flirting with.

Astrid didnt really notice that Eret was doing this to her because she to focused on how Heather was trying to hold Hiccup's hand or put his arm around her.

One time Eret tried to test his luck by putting his hand on Astrid's butt and holding it until Astrid shreks from the sudden unwanted touch/closeness.

After Astrid shreked she pushed Eret away and Hiccup came to her to comfort her/hold her and say sweet things to calm her down from the sudden unwanted contact from the stranger.

Hiccup was about to punch Eret for touching his girlfriend wrong and making her shrek but before he could do that Astrid held him back from doing that because he could get in trouble for that.

Astrid then went to slap Eret in the face and while she did that Heather came and put her hand up Hiccup's shirt until Hiccup pulled away and got mad at her for doing that.

After Astrid heard of this she wanted to beat up Heather for touching her boyfriend but Hiccup said not to because he didnt want her getting in trouble

(guys or girls can't really hit guys or girls unless the have premistion from their cheif to do so because if the cheif doesnt know the situation he or she will take the victom's side instead of who really needs the support on their side).

After the strange meeting of the strange untrust worthy new comers Hiccup and Astrid start walking towards the village with Heather and Eret following behinde them.

While walking Heather and Eret were talking about how each other did in making moves on Hiccup and Astrid and how they are going to seperate them to bring them down.

Heather had said that she is going to keep on trying to flirt with Hiccup until he likes her back and that Eret should do the same to Astrid.

Astrid and Hiccup talked about how they do not like the strangers and what they should do about them.

After getting to the Great Hall, Hiccup and Astrid went to talk to Stoick, Valka, and Gobber in private.

Hiccup said "Dad, Mom, and Gobber. We need to talk." He said sterjly while glancing at heather and eret.

"We had found them on the west shore of our beach while flying around. When we came close to then they seemed scared so i introduced the gang and i to them. When they foinf our who we were they started getting close to us and all flirty" Hiccuo threw his hands up to show what he ment.

"It wasn't really until Eret had grabbed Astrids butt and Heather put her hand up my shirt that we had noticed they were to close for me or Astrid's liking." The adults looked a bit shocked.

"After I had saw what Eret had just done to my girlfriend I had wanted to punch him out but Astrid had stopped me from doing because she knew that I would get in trouble for doing that. So instead of punching him out (which I had really wanted to do) I went and comforted Astrid and calm her down for that inappropriate incident." He hugged his girlfriend tight.

"After Astrid had noticed what Heather had done she had wanted to hurt her for touching me just liked I had wanted to hurt Eret for touching her that way but I had to stop her just like she did for me and told that she could get in trouble. After I had said that she had calmed down and had stayed close to me to keep Heather away from me which I did not mind because I was about to do that to her to keep Eret away from her. After that akward situtation we all walked back into the village then we told them to wait outside while we talk to you guys. So that is how we got here. So we were wondering what we should do now."

Stoick, Valka, and looked at each other before breaking the silence. "You two go outside and we'll deal with Heather and Eret".

But Little did everyone know but Heather and eret were working for Drago.

Heather and Eret's mission is to become close and gain the trust of Hiccup and Astrid then stab them in the back. They had to find out everything about the people of berk.

And with that information, drago would attack berk.

Made up Hiccstrid story (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now