The proposal

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Pedro Cornado sat in his office staring out the window. It was 9pm in a small town in Texas, and he needed to get some rest. Thoughts of talking to his beloveds  father flooded his mind making his heart rate skyrocket. 

thoughts: Dammit. What if he rejects my request to marry his daughter. After all, I am just a rancher. Yes i do have money, but not enough for him to want his daughter to marry me. It should not matter though cause I love her. Love should be enough. 

Calming himself down, Pedro dropped to his knees and prayed for the right thing to happen. Finally dragging himself to bed, he fell asleep fast dreaming of his love.

The next day: Pedro awoke with the sun shining bright and blinding him. Taking a moment to get his bearings he looked at the clock. It said Eight am. 

Thoughts: Shoot. Today is the day I propose to Rosa. I am late.

Pedro rushed around getting ready. He felt so giddy, and strangely he felt at peace. Today was going to go well. He just knew it. Grabbing his car keys he was out the door and his truck in no time. The drive seemed to take so long as Pedro began to tap his fingers on the steering wheel. Finally he arrived. Grabbing the ring and his keys he jumped out of the truck, sprinted to the front door, and knocked. Well, more like banged. Footsteps of the housekeeper could be heard rushing to greet him.

"Goodness,lad, you don't have to bang on the door so loud. I'm not deaf," said the housekeeper, Ella as she ushered me in.

She was a good lady and a smart one at that. 

"How may I help you today, Pedro? You here to see the pretty Rosa? Say you look a little nervous," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Actually, I need to talk to her father first. Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Boy, you know i can," Ella laughed

I whispered my plan in her ear. Ella squealed  and hugged me.

"I cannot guarantee that her father will give me his blessing," I said halfheartedly.

"You leave her father to me. I have been dealing with him longer than you could ever know. Go on now. He's in his office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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